Unpacking Software Livestream

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Chocolatey Product Spotlight

Join the Chocolatey Team on our regular monthly stream where we put a spotlight on the most recent Chocolatey product releases. You'll have a chance to have your questions answered in a live Ask Me Anything format.

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Chocolatey Coding Livestream

Join us for the Chocolatey Coding Livestream, where members of our team dive into the heart of open source development by coding live on various Chocolatey projects. Tune in to witness real-time coding, ask questions, and gain insights into the world of package management. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with our team and contribute to the future of Chocolatey!

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Calling All Chocolatiers! Whipping Up Windows Automation with Chocolatey Central Management

Webinar from
Wednesday, 17 January 2024

We are delighted to announce the release of Chocolatey Central Management v0.12.0, featuring seamless Deployment Plan creation, time-saving duplications, insightful Group Details, an upgraded Dashboard, bug fixes, user interface polishing, and refined documentation. As an added bonus we'll have members of our Solutions Engineering team on-hand to dive into some interesting ways you can leverage the new features available!

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Chocolatey Community Coffee Break

Join the Chocolatey Team as we discuss all things Community, what we do, how you can get involved and answer your Chocolatey questions.

Watch The Replays
Chocolatey and Intune Overview

Webinar Replay from
Wednesday, 30 March 2022

At Chocolatey Software we strive for simple, and teaching others. Let us teach you just how simple it could be to keep your 3rd party applications updated across your devices, all with Intune!

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Chocolatey For Business. In Azure. In One Click.

Livestream from
Thursday, 9 June 2022

Join James and Josh to show you how you can get the Chocolatey For Business recommended infrastructure and workflow, created, in Azure, in around 20 minutes.

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The Future of Chocolatey CLI

Livestream from
Thursday, 04 August 2022

Join Paul and Gary to hear more about the plans for the Chocolatey CLI in the not so distant future. We'll talk about some cool new features, long term asks from Customers and Community and how you can get involved!

Watch On-Demand
Hacktoberfest Tuesdays 2022

Livestreams from
October 2022

For Hacktoberfest, Chocolatey ran a livestream every Tuesday! Re-watch Cory, James, Gary, and Rain as they share knowledge on how to contribute to open-source projects such as Chocolatey CLI.

Watch On-Demand



Downloads of v 0.10.0:


Last Update:

07 Jul 2022

Package Maintainer(s):

Software Author(s):

  • Brandon Olin


admin powershell module terminal icon font

Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module)

This is not the latest version of Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) available.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

0.10.0 | Updated: 07 Jul 2022



Downloads of v 0.10.0:



Software Author(s):

  • Brandon Olin

Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.10.0

This is not the latest version of Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) available.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

All Checks are Passing

3 Passing Tests

Validation Testing Passed

Verification Testing Passed


Scan Testing Successful:

No detections found in any package files

Learn More

Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall

To install Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


To upgrade Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


To uninstall Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


Deployment Method:


This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.

1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url

(this should look similar to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/)

2. Setup Your Environment

1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment

Please see the organizational deployment guide

2. Get the package into your environment

  • Open Source or Commercial:
    • Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/. Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
    • You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download

3. Copy Your Script

choco upgrade terminal-icons.powershell -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'0.10.0'" [other options]

See options you can pass to upgrade.

See best practices for scripting.

Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.

If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:

choco upgrade terminal-icons.powershell -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'0.10.0'" 

Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
  Exit 0

Exit $exitCode

- name: Install terminal-icons.powershell
    name: terminal-icons.powershell
    version: '0.10.0'
    state: present

See docs at https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/win_chocolatey_module.html.

chocolatey_package 'terminal-icons.powershell' do
  action    :install
  source   'INTERNAL REPO URL'
  version  '0.10.0'

See docs at https://docs.chef.io/resource_chocolatey_package.html.

cChocoPackageInstaller terminal-icons.powershell
    Name     = "terminal-icons.powershell"
    Version  = "0.10.0"
    Source   = "INTERNAL REPO URL"

Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at https://github.com/chocolatey/cChoco.

package { 'terminal-icons.powershell':
  ensure   => '0.10.0',
  provider => 'chocolatey',
  source   => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',

Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/chocolatey.

4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation

See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.

Package Approved

This package was approved as a trusted package on 07 Jul 2022.


Terminal-Icons is a PowerShell module that adds file and folder icons when displaying items in the terminal. This relies on the custom fonts provided by Nerd Fonts.

> You must be using one of the fonts provided by Nerd Fonts for this module to work as these fonts include tons of custom glyphs/icons that are referenced by their unicode number.

You can pass the following parameters:

  • /core - Installs the module in the AllUsers scope for PowerShell Core;
  • /desktop - Installs the module in the AllUsers scope for Windows PowerShell (ie. Desktop Edition);

You can pass both /core and /desktop parameters to install on both. If you pass no parameters then /desktop is assumed.

NOTE: This module requires a minimum of PowerShell v4.

NOTE: This is an automatically updated package. If you find it is out of date by more than a week, please contact the maintainer(s) and let them know the package is no longer updating correctly.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$moduleName = 'terminal-icons'      # this could be different from package name
Remove-Module -Name $moduleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$toolsDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$moduleName = 'terminal-icons'  # this may be different from the package name and different case
$moduleVersion = $env:ChocolateyPackageVersion      # this may change so keep this here
$minPowerShellVersion = 4   # minimum PowerShell version required
$savedParamsPath = Join-Path $toolsDir -ChildPath 'parameters.saved'

if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt $minPowerShellVersion) {
    throw "$moduleName module requires a minimum of PowerShell v$minPowerShellVersion."

function Copy-Module {
    Param (
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]


    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Destination)) {
        Write-Verbose "Creating destination directory '$Destination' for module."
        New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    Write-Verbose "Copying '$($script:moduleName)' files from '$Source' to '$Destination'."
    Copy-Item -Path $Source -Destination $Destination -Force -Recurse

# module may already be installed outside of Chocolatey
Remove-Module -Name $moduleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# remove the saved parameters file if it exists
if (Test-Path -Path $savedParamsPath) {
    Remove-Item -Path $savedParamsPath -Force

$params = Get-PackageParameters

# install the module to the correct folder depending on parameters
# by default, if no parameters, we install for Windows PowerShell (ie. Desktop)
if ($params.Desktop -or (-not $params.Core)) {
    $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $toolsDir -ChildPath "$modulename\*"
    $destPath = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$moduleName"

    Write-Verbose "Installing '$modulename' for Windows PowerShell (Desktop)."

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) {
        $destPath = Join-Path -Path $destPath -ChildPath $moduleVersion

    Copy-Module -Source $sourcePath -Destination $destPath
    Add-Content -Path $savedParamsPath -Value 'Desktop'

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 4) {
        $modulePaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', 'Machine') -split ';'
        if ($modulePaths -notcontains $destPath) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding '$destPath' to PSModulePath."
            $newModulePath = @($destPath, $modulePaths) -join ';'

            [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $newModulePath, 'Machine')
            $env:PSModulePath = $newModulePath

if ($params.Core) {
    $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $toolsDir -ChildPath "$modulename\*"
    $destPath = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "PowerShell\Modules\$moduleName\$moduleVersion"

    Write-Verbose "Installing '$modulename' for PowerShell Core)."

    Copy-Module -Source $sourcePath -Destination $destPath
    Add-Content -Path $savedParamsPath -Value 'Core'

# cleanup the module from the Chocolatey $toolsDir folder
Remove-Item -Path $sourcePath -Force -Recurse
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$toolsDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$moduleName = 'terminal-icons'  # this may be different from the package name and different case
$savedParamsPath = Join-Path $toolsDir -ChildPath 'parameters.saved'

if (Test-Path -Path $savedParamsPath) {
    $uninstallEdition = Get-Content -Path $savedParamsPath
else {
    $uninstallEdition = 'Desktop'

ForEach ($edition in $uninstallEdition) {
    switch ($edition) {
        'Desktop' {
            $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$moduleName"
        'Core' {
            $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath "PowerShell\Modules\$moduleName"

    Write-Verbose "Removing all version of '$moduleName' from '$sourcePath'."
    Remove-Item -Path $sourcePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# remove path of module from $env:PSModulePath
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 4) {
    $modulePaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', 'Machine') -split ';'

    Write-Verbose "Removing '$sourcePath' from PSModulePath."
    $newModulePath = $modulePaths | Where-Object { $_ -ne $sourcePath }

    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $newModulePath, 'Machine')
    $env:PSModulePath = $newModulePath
From: https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/blob/master/LICENSE

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Brandon Olin

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

    Name  = 'devblackops'
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            # Importable Data files
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            '.code-workspace'       = '00BFFF'

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            # Subtitle files
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            # YAML
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            '.yaml'                 = 'FF6347'

            # LUA
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            # Clojure
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            '.cljc'                 = '00FF7F'

            # Groovy
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            # Vue
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            # Dart
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            # Elixir
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            '.exs'                  = '8B4513'
            '.eex'                  = '8B4513'
            '.leex'                 = '8B4513'

            # Erlang
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            # Elm
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            # Applescript
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            # XML
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            # Excel
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            # PowerPoint
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            '.potm'                 = 'DC143C'
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            # Word
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            # Images
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            '.tiff'                 = '20B2AA'
            '.psd'                  = '20B2AA'
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      # Julia language
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    'nf-fae-cc_by'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_cc'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_nc'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_nc_eu'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_nc_jp'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_nd'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_remix'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-cc_sa'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fae-cc_zero'                                 = ''
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    'nf-fae-cherry'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-chess_bishop'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-chess_horse'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-chess_king'                              = ''
    'nf-fae-chess_pawn'                              = ''
    'nf-fae-chess_queen'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-chess_tower'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-chesse'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-chicken_thigh'                           = ''
    'nf-fae-chilli'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-chip'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-cicling'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-cloud'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-cockroach'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-coffe_beans'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-coins'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-comb'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-comet'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-crown'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-cup_coffe'                               = ''
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    'nf-fa-edit'                                     = ''
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    'nf-fae-donut'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-dress'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-drop'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-ello'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-envelope_open'                           = ''
    'nf-fae-envelope_open_o'                         = ''
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    'nf-fae-equal_bigger'                            = ''
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    'nf-fae-feedly'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-file_export'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-file_import'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-fingerprint'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-floppy'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-footprint'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-freecodecamp'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-galaxy'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-galery'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-gift_card'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-glass'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-google_drive'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-google_play'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-gps'                                     = ''
    'nf-fae-grav'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-guitar'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-gut'                                     = ''
    'nf-fae-halter'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-hamburger'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-hat'                                     = ''
    'nf-fae-hexagon'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-high_heel'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-hotdog'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-ice_cream'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-id_card'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-imdb'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-infinity'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-injection'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-isle'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-java'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-eject'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-layers'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-lips'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-lipstick'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-liver'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-ellipsis_h'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-ellipsis_v'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-lollipop'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-loyalty_card'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-lung'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-makeup_brushes'                          = ''
    'nf-fae-maximize'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-meat'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-medicine'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-microscope'                              = ''
    'nf-fae-milk_bottle'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-minimize'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-molecule'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-moon_cloud'                              = ''
    'nf-fae-mountains'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-empire'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-mushroom'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-mustache'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-mysql'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-envelope_open_o'                          = ''
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    'nf-fa-envira'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-orange'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-palette_color'                           = ''
    'nf-fae-peach'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-pear'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-pi'                                      = ''
    'nf-fae-pizza'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-planet'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-plant'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-playstation'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-poison'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-popcorn'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-popsicle'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-pulse'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-python'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-quora_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-quora_square'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-radioactive'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-raining'                                 = ''
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    'nf-fae-real_heart'                              = ''
    'nf-fae-refrigerator'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-restore'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-ring'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-ruby'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-ruby_o'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-ruler'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-shirt'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fae-smaller'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-snowing'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-soda'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-sofa'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-soup'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-spermatozoon'                            = ''
    'nf-fae-spin_double'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-stomach'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-storm'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-sun_cloud'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-sushi'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-tacos'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-telegram'                                = ''
    'nf-fae-telegram_circle'                         = ''
    'nf-fae-telescope'                               = ''
    'nf-fae-thermometer'                             = ''
    'nf-fae-thermometer_high'                        = ''
    'nf-fae-thermometer_low'                         = ''
    'nf-fae-thin_close'                              = ''
    'nf-fae-toilet'                                  = ''
    'nf-fae-tools'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-tooth'                                   = ''
    'nf-fae-tree'                                    = ''
    'nf-fae-triangle_ruler'                          = ''
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    'nf-fa-eur'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-euro'                                     = ''
    'nf-fae-uterus'                                  = ''
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    'nf-fae-w3c'                                     = ''
    'nf-fae-walking'                                 = ''
    'nf-fae-wallet'                                  = ''
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    'nf-fa-fax'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-feed'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-female'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-flickr'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-floppy_o'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-folder'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-github'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-github_square'                            = ''
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    'nf-fa-grav'                                     = ''
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    'nf-fa-hand_o_right'                             = ''
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    'nf-fa-hand_stop_o'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-handshake_o'                              = ''
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    'nf-fa-header'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-headphones'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-heart'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-heart_o'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-heartbeat'                                = ''
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    'nf-fa-home'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-hospital_o'                               = ''
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    'nf-fa-life_buoy'                                = ''
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    'nf-fa-mobile'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-music'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-navicon'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-neuter'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-newspaper_o'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-object_group'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-object_ungroup'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-odnoklassniki'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-odnoklassniki_square'                     = ''
    'nf-fa-opencart'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-openid'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-opera'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-optin_monster'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-outdent'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-pagelines'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-paint_brush'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-paper_plane'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-paper_plane_o'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-paperclip'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-paragraph'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-paste'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-pause'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-pause_circle'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-pause_circle_o'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-paw'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-paypal'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-pencil'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-pencil_square'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-pencil_square_o'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-percent'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-phone'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-phone_square'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-photo'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-picture_o'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-pie_chart'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-pied_piper'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-pied_piper_alt'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-pied_piper_pp'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-pinterest'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-pinterest_p'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-pinterest_square'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-plane'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-play'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-play_circle'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-play_circle_o'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-plug'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-plus'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-plus_circle'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-plus_square'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-plus_square_o'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-podcast'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-power_off'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-print'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-product_hunt'                             = ''
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    'nf-fa-qq'                                       = ''
    'nf-fa-qrcode'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-question_circle_o'                        = ''
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    'nf-fa-quote_right'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-ra'                                       = ''
    'nf-fa-random'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-ravelry'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-rebel'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-recycle'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-reddit'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-reddit_alien'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-reddit_square'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-refresh'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-registered'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-remove'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-renren'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-reorder'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-repeat'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-reply'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-reply_all'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-resistance'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-retweet'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-rmb'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-road'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-rocket'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-rotate_left'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-rotate_right'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-rouble'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-rss'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-rss_square'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-rub'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-ruble'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-rupee'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-s15'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-safari'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-save'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-scissors'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-scribd'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-search'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-search_minus'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-search_plus'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-sellsy'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-send'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-send_o'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-server'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-share'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-share_alt'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-share_alt_square'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-share_square'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-share_square_o'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-shekel'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-sheqel'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-shield'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-ship'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-shirtsinbulk'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-shopping_bag'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-shopping_basket'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-shopping_cart'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-shower'                                   = ''
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    'nf-fa-signing'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-simplybuilt'                              = ''
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    'nf-fa-skyatlas'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-skype'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-slack'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-sliders'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-slideshare'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-smile_o'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-snapchat'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-snapchat_ghost'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-snapchat_square'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-snowflake_o'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-soccer_ball_o'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-sort'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_alpha_asc'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_alpha_desc'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_amount_asc'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_amount_desc'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_asc'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_desc'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_down'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_numeric_asc'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_numeric_desc'                        = ''
    'nf-fa-sort_up'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-soundcloud'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-space_shuttle'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-spinner'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-spoon'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-spotify'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-square'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-square_o'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-stack_exchange'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-stack_overflow'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-star'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-star_half'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-star_half_empty'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-star_half_full'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-star_half_o'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-star_o'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-steam'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-steam_square'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-step_backward'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-step_forward'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-stethoscope'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-sticky_note'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-sticky_note_o'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-stop'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-stop_circle'                              = ''
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    'nf-fa-street_view'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-strikethrough'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-stumbleupon'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-stumbleupon_circle'                       = ''
    'nf-fa-subscript'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-subway'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-suitcase'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-sun_o'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-superpowers'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-superscript'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-support'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-table'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-tablet'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-tachometer'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-tag'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-tags'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-tasks'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-taxi'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-telegram'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-television'                               = ''
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    'nf-fa-terminal'                                 = ''
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    'nf-fa-text_width'                               = ''
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    'nf-fa-thermometer'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_0'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_1'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_2'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_3'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_4'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_empty'                        = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_full'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_half'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_quarter'                      = ''
    'nf-fa-thermometer_three_quarters'               = ''
    'nf-fa-thumb_tack'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-thumbs_down'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-thumbs_o_down'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-thumbs_o_up'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-thumbs_up'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-ticket'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-times'                                    = ''
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    'nf-fa-times_circle_o'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-times_rectangle'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-times_rectangle_o'                        = ''
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    'nf-fa-train'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-transgender'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-transgender_alt'                          = ''
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    'nf-fa-trash_o'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-tree'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-trello'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-tripadvisor'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-trophy'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-truck'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-try'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-tty'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-tumblr'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-tumblr_square'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-turkish_lira'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-tv'                                       = ''
    'nf-fa-twitch'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-twitter'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-twitter_square'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-umbrella'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-underline'                                = ''
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    'nf-fa-universal_access'                         = ''
    'nf-fa-university'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-unlink'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-unlock'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-unlock_alt'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-unsorted'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-upload'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-usb'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-usd'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-user'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-user_circle'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-user_circle_o'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-user_md'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-user_o'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-user_plus'                                = ''
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    'nf-fa-user_times'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-users'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-vcard'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-vcard_o'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-venus'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-venus_double'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-venus_mars'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-viacoin'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-viadeo'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-viadeo_square'                            = ''
    'nf-fa-video_camera'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-vimeo'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-vimeo_square'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-vine'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-vk'                                       = ''
    'nf-fa-volume_control_phone'                     = ''
    'nf-fa-volume_down'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-volume_off'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-volume_up'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-warning'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-wechat'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-weibo'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-weixin'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-whatsapp'                                 = ''
    'nf-fa-wheelchair'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-wheelchair_alt'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-wifi'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-wikipedia_w'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-window_close'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-window_close_o'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-window_maximize'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-window_minimize'                          = ''
    'nf-fa-window_restore'                           = ''
    'nf-fa-windows'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-won'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-wordpress'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-wpbeginner'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-wpexplorer'                               = ''
    'nf-fa-wpforms'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-wrench'                                   = ''
    'nf-fa-xing'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-xing_square'                              = ''
    'nf-fa-y_combinator'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-y_combinator_square'                      = ''
    'nf-fa-yahoo'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-yc'                                       = ''
    'nf-fa-yc_square'                                = ''
    'nf-fa-yelp'                                     = ''
    'nf-fa-yen'                                      = ''
    'nf-fa-yoast'                                    = ''
    'nf-fa-youtube'                                  = ''
    'nf-fa-youtube_play'                             = ''
    'nf-fa-youtube_square'                           = ''
    'nf-iec-power'                                   = '⏻'
    'nf-iec-power_off'                               = '⭘'
    'nf-iec-power_on'                                = '⏽'
    'nf-iec-sleep_mode'                              = '⏾'
    'nf-iec-toggle_power'                            = '⏼'
    'nf-indentation-line'                            = ''
    'nf-indent-dotted_guide'                         = ''
    'nf-indent-line'                                 = ''
    'nf-linux-alpine'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-aosc'                                  = ''
    'nf-linux-apple'                                 = ''
    'nf-linux-archlinux'                             = ''
    'nf-linux-centos'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-coreos'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-debian'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-devuan'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-docker'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-elementary'                            = ''
    'nf-linux-fedora'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-fedora_inverse'                        = ''
    'nf-linux-freebsd'                               = ''
    'nf-linux-gentoo'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-linuxmint'                             = ''
    'nf-linux-linuxmint_inverse'                     = ''
    'nf-linux-mageia'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-mandriva'                              = ''
    'nf-linux-manjaro'                               = ''
    'nf-linux-nixos'                                 = ''
    'nf-linux-opensuse'                              = ''
    'nf-linux-raspberry_pi'                          = ''
    'nf-linux-redhat'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-sabayon'                               = ''
    'nf-linux-slackware'                             = ''
    'nf-linux-slackware_inverse'                     = ''
    'nf-linux-tux'                                   = ''
    'nf-linux-ubuntu'                                = ''
    'nf-linux-ubuntu_inverse'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-access_point'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-access_point_network'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-account'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_alert'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_box'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_box_outline'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_card_details'                    = '𣏕'
    'nf-mdi-account_check'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_circle'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_convert'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_edit'                            = '﮺'
    'nf-mdi-account_key'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_location'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_minus'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_multiple'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_multiple_minus'                  = '㮝'
    'nf-mdi-account_multiple_outline'                = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_multiple_plus'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_multiple_plus_outline'           = 'ﳾ'
    'nf-mdi-account_network'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_off'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_plus'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_plus_outline'                    = 'ﳿ'
    'nf-mdi-account_remove'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_search'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_settings'                        = 'אָ'
    'nf-mdi-account_settings_variant'                = 'אּ'
    'nf-mdi-account_star'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-account_switch'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-adjust'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-air_conditioner'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-airballoon'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-airplane'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-airplane_landing'                        = '䀘'
    'nf-mdi-airplane_off'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-airplane_takeoff'                        = '䀹'
    'nf-mdi-airplay'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-alarm'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-alarm_bell'                              = 'ﲌ'
    'nf-mdi-alarm_check'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-alarm_light'                             = 'ﲍ'
    'nf-mdi-alarm_multiple'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-alarm_off'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-alarm_plus'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-alarm_snooze'                            = 'ﮌ'
    'nf-mdi-album'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-alert'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-alert_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-alert_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-alert_circle_outline'                    = '𥉉'
    'nf-mdi-alert_decagram'                          = '﮻'
    'nf-mdi-alert_octagon'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-alert_octagram'                          = 'ﱥ'
    'nf-mdi-alert_outline'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-all_inclusive'                           = '﮼'
    'nf-mdi-allo'                                    = 'ﴀ'
    'nf-mdi-alpha'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-alphabetical'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-altimeter'                               = '𥳐'
    'nf-mdi-amazon'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-amazon_clouddrive'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-ambulance'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-amplifier'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-anchor'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-android'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-android_debug_bridge'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-android_head'                            = 'ﲎ'
    'nf-mdi-android_studio'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-angular'                                 = 'ﮰ'
    'nf-mdi-angularjs'                               = '﮽'
    'nf-mdi-animation'                               = '𧻓'
    'nf-mdi-apple'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-apple_finder'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-apple_ios'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-apple_keyboard_caps'                     = 'בּ'
    'nf-mdi-apple_keyboard_command'                  = 'גּ'
    'nf-mdi-apple_keyboard_control'                  = 'דּ'
    'nf-mdi-apple_keyboard_option'                   = 'הּ'
    'nf-mdi-apple_keyboard_shift'                    = 'וּ'
    'nf-mdi-apple_mobileme'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-apple_safari'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-application'                             = 'ﬓ'
    'nf-mdi-approval'                                = 'ﲏ'
    'nf-mdi-apps'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-archive'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrange_bring_forward'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrange_bring_to_front'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrange_send_backward'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrange_send_to_back'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_all'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_bottom_left'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_bottom_right'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_collapse'                          = 'ﬔ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_collapse_all'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_collapse_down'                     = 'ﲐ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_collapse_left'                     = 'ﲑ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_collapse_right'                    = 'ﲒ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_collapse_up'                       = 'ﲓ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_bold'                         = 'ﰬ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_bold_box'                     = 'ﰭ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_bold_box_outline'             = 'ﰮ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_bold_circle'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_bold_circle_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_bold_hexagon_outline'         = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_box'                          = '﮾'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_drop_circle'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_drop_circle_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_down_thick'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_expand'                            = 'ﬕ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_expand_all'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_expand_down'                       = 'ﲔ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_expand_left'                       = 'ﲕ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_expand_right'                      = 'ﲖ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_expand_up'                         = 'ﲗ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_bold'                         = 'ﰯ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_bold_box'                     = 'ﰰ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_bold_box_outline'             = 'ﰱ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_bold_circle'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_bold_circle_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_bold_hexagon_outline'         = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_box'                          = '﮿'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_drop_circle'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_drop_circle_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_left_thick'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_bold'                        = 'ﰲ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_bold_box'                    = 'ﰳ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_bold_box_outline'            = 'ﰴ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_bold_circle'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_bold_circle_outline'         = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_bold_hexagon_outline'        = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_box'                         = '﯀'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_drop_circle'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_drop_circle_outline'         = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_right_thick'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_top_left'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_top_right'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_bold'                           = 'ﰵ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_bold_box'                       = 'ﰶ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_bold_box_outline'               = 'ﰷ'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_bold_circle'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_bold_circle_outline'            = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_bold_hexagon_outline'           = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_box'                            = '﯁'
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_drop_circle'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_drop_circle_outline'            = ''
    'nf-mdi-arrow_up_thick'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-artist'                                  = 'ﴁ'
    'nf-mdi-assistant'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-asterisk'                                = '﯂'
    'nf-mdi-at'                                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-atlassian'                               = 'ﴂ'
    'nf-mdi-atom'                                    = 'ﱦ'
    'nf-mdi-attachment'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-audiobook'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-auto_fix'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-auto_upload'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-autorenew'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-av_timer'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-azure'                                   = 'ﴃ'
    'nf-mdi-baby'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-baby_buggy'                              = 'ﮍ'
    'nf-mdi-backburger'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-backspace'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-backup_restore'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-bandcamp'                                = 'ﭳ'
    'nf-mdi-bank'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-barcode'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-barcode_scan'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-barley'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-barrel'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-basecamp'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-basket'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-basket_fill'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-basket_unfill'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-basketball'                              = 'ﴄ'
    'nf-mdi-battery'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_10'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_20'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_30'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_40'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_50'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_60'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_70'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_80'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_90'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_alert'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_100'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_20'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_30'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_40'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_60'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_80'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_90'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless'               = 'ﴅ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_10'            = 'ﴆ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_20'            = 'ﴇ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_30'            = 'ﴈ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_40'            = 'ﴉ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_50'            = 'ﴊ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_60'            = 'ﴋ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_70'            = 'ﴌ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_80'            = 'ﴍ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_90'            = 'ﴎ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_alert'         = 'ﴏ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_charging_wireless_outline'       = 'ﴐ'
    'nf-mdi-battery_minus'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_negative'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_plus'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_positive'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-battery_unknown'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-beach'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-beaker'                                  = 'ﮎ'
    'nf-mdi-beats'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-beer'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-behance'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell_off'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell_plus'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell_ring'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell_ring_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-bell_sleep'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-beta'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-bible'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-bike'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-bing'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-binoculars'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-bio'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-biohazard'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-bitbucket'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-bitcoin'                                 = 'ﴑ'
    'nf-mdi-black_mesa'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-blackberry'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-blender'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-blinds'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-block_helper'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-blogger'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-bluetooth'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-bluetooth_audio'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-bluetooth_connect'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-bluetooth_off'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-bluetooth_settings'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-bluetooth_transfer'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-blur'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-blur_linear'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-blur_off'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-blur_radial'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-bomb'                                    = 'ﮏ'
    'nf-mdi-bomb_off'                                = '﯃'
    'nf-mdi-bone'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-book'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-book_minus'                              = '齃'
    'nf-mdi-book_multiple'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-book_multiple_variant'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-book_open'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-book_open_page_variant'                  = '龎'
    'nf-mdi-book_open_variant'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-book_plus'                               = '﫚'
    'nf-mdi-book_secure'                             = 'ﲘ'
    'nf-mdi-book_unsecure'                           = 'ﲙ'
    'nf-mdi-book_variant'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark_check'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark_music'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark_outline'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark_plus'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark_plus_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-bookmark_remove'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-boombox'                                 = '﫛'
    'nf-mdi-bootstrap'                               = '﯄'
    'nf-mdi-border_all'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_bottom'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_color'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_horizontal'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_inside'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_left'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_none'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_outside'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_right'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_style'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_top'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-border_vertical'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-bow_tie'                                 = 'ﭶ'
    'nf-mdi-bowl'                                    = 'ﬖ'
    'nf-mdi-bowling'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-box'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-box_cutter'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-box_shadow'                              = 'זּ'
    'nf-mdi-bridge'                                  = 'ﬗ'
    'nf-mdi-briefcase'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-briefcase_check'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-briefcase_download'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-briefcase_outline'                       = 'ﴒ'
    'nf-mdi-briefcase_upload'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_1'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_2'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_3'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_4'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_5'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_6'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_7'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-brightness_auto'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-broom'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-brush'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-buffer'                                  = '﬘'
    'nf-mdi-bug'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-bulletin_board'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-bullhorn'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-bullseye'                                = '﫜'
    'nf-mdi-bus'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-bus_articulated_end'                     = 'ﲚ'
    'nf-mdi-bus_articulated_front'                   = 'ﲛ'
    'nf-mdi-bus_double_decker'                       = 'ﲜ'
    'nf-mdi-bus_school'                              = 'ﲝ'
    'nf-mdi-bus_side'                                = 'ﲞ'
    'nf-mdi-cached'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-cake'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-cake_layered'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-cake_variant'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-calculator'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_blank'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_check'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_clock'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_multiple'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_multiple_check'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_plus'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_question'                       = 'ﮐ'
    'nf-mdi-calendar_range'                          = 'ﭷ'
    'nf-mdi-calendar_remove'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_text'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-calendar_today'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-call_made'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-call_merge'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-call_missed'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-call_received'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-call_split'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-camcorder'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-camcorder_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-camcorder_box_off'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-camcorder_off'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_burst'                            = 'ﮑ'
    'nf-mdi-camera_enhance'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_front'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_front_variant'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_gopro'                            = 'ﲟ'
    'nf-mdi-camera_iris'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_metering_center'                  = 'ﲠ'
    'nf-mdi-camera_metering_matrix'                  = 'ﲡ'
    'nf-mdi-camera_metering_partial'                 = 'ﲢ'
    'nf-mdi-camera_metering_spot'                    = 'ﲣ'
    'nf-mdi-camera_off'                              = '﫞'
    'nf-mdi-camera_party_mode'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_rear'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_rear_variant'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_switch'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-camera_timer'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-cancel'                                  = 'ﰸ'
    'nf-mdi-candle'                                  = '﫡'
    'nf-mdi-candycane'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-cannabis'                                = 'ﲤ'
    'nf-mdi-car'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-car_battery'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-car_connected'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-car_convertible'                         = 'ﲥ'
    'nf-mdi-car_estate'                              = 'ﲦ'
    'nf-mdi-car_hatchback'                           = 'ﲧ'
    'nf-mdi-car_pickup'                              = 'ﲨ'
    'nf-mdi-car_side'                                = 'ﲩ'
    'nf-mdi-car_sports'                              = 'ﲪ'
    'nf-mdi-car_wash'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-caravan'                                 = 'ﲫ'
    'nf-mdi-cards'                                   = '﬷'
    'nf-mdi-cards_outline'                           = 'טּ'
    'nf-mdi-cards_playing_outline'                   = 'יּ'
    'nf-mdi-cards_variant'                           = '﯅'
    'nf-mdi-carrot'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-cart'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-cart_off'                                = 'ﭪ'
    'nf-mdi-cart_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-cart_plus'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-case_sensitive_alt'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-cash'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-cash_100'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-cash_multiple'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-cash_usd'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-cast'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-cast_connected'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cast_off'                                = 'ﲈ'
    'nf-mdi-castle'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-cat'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-cctv'                                    = 'ﲬ'
    'nf-mdi-ceiling_light'                           = 'ﱧ'
    'nf-mdi-cellphone'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_android'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_basic'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_dock'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_iphone'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_link'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_link_off'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_settings'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-cellphone_wireless'                      = 'ﴓ'
    'nf-mdi-certificate'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-chair_school'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_arc'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_areaspline'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_bar'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_bar_stacked'                       = 'ﱨ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_bubble'                            = '﫢'
    'nf-mdi-chart_donut'                             = 'ﲭ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_donut_variant'                     = 'ﲮ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_gantt'                             = 'ﭫ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_histogram'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_line'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_line_stacked'                      = 'ﱩ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_line_variant'                      = 'ﲯ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_pie'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-chart_scatterplot_hexbin'                = 'ﭬ'
    'nf-mdi-chart_timeline'                          = 'ﭭ'
    'nf-mdi-check'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-check_all'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-check_circle'                            = '﫟'
    'nf-mdi-check_circle_outline'                    = '﫠'
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_blank'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_blank_circle'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_blank_circle_outline'           = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_blank_outline'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_marked'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_marked_circle'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_marked_circle_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_marked_outline'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_blank'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_blank_circle'          = 'ךּ'
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_blank_circle_outline'  = 'כּ'
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_blank_outline'         = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_marked'                = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_marked_circle'         = 'לּ'
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_marked_circle_outline' = '﬽'
    'nf-mdi-checkbox_multiple_marked_outline'        = ''
    'nf-mdi-checkerboard'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-chemical_weapon'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_double_down'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_double_left'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_double_right'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_double_up'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_down'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_left'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_right'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-chevron_up'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-chili_hot'                               = 'ﲰ'
    'nf-mdi-chili_medium'                            = 'ﲱ'
    'nf-mdi-chili_mild'                              = 'ﲲ'
    'nf-mdi-chip'                                    = '﬙'
    'nf-mdi-church'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-circle'                                  = 'ﱣ'
    'nf-mdi-circle_outline'                          = 'ﱤ'
    'nf-mdi-cisco_webex'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-city'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_account'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_alert'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_arrow_down'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_arrow_left'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_check'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_flow'                          = '﯆'
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_plus'                          = 'ﱏ'
    'nf-mdi-clipboard_text'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-clippy'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-clock'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-clock_alert'                             = '鬒'
    'nf-mdi-clock_end'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-clock_fast'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-clock_in'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-clock_out'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-clock_start'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-close'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_box_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_circle_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_network'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_octagon'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_octagon_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-close_outline'                           = '﯇'
    'nf-mdi-closed_caption'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_braces'                            = 'ﲳ'
    'nf-mdi-cloud_check'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_download'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_off_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_outline'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_print'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_print_outline'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-cloud_sync'                              = 'מּ'
    'nf-mdi-cloud_tags'                              = 'ﲴ'
    'nf-mdi-cloud_upload'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-clover'                                  = 'ﴔ'
    'nf-mdi-code_array'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_braces'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_brackets'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_equal'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_greater_than'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_greater_than_or_equal'              = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_less_than'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_less_than_or_equal'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_not_equal'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_not_equal_variant'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_parentheses'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_string'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_tags'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-code_tags_check'                         = 'ﮒ'
    'nf-mdi-codepen'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-coffee'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-coffee_outline'                          = '﯈'
    'nf-mdi-coffee_to_go'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-coin'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-coins'                                   = 'ﮓ'
    'nf-mdi-collage'                                 = '﬿'
    'nf-mdi-color_helper'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_account'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_account_outline'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_alert'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_alert_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_check'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_check_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_multiple_outline'                = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_plus_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_processing'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_processing_outline'              = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_question'                        = 'ﴕ'
    'nf-mdi-comment_question_outline'                = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_remove'                          = '﫝'
    'nf-mdi-comment_remove_outline'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_text'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-comment_text_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-compare'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-compass'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-compass_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-console'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-console_line'                            = 'ﲵ'
    'nf-mdi-contact_mail'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-contacts'                                = '﯉'
    'nf-mdi-content_copy'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-content_cut'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-content_duplicate'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-content_paste'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-content_save'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-content_save_all'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-content_save_outline'                    = 'ﴖ'
    'nf-mdi-content_save_settings'                   = '﬚'
    'nf-mdi-contrast'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-contrast_box'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-contrast_circle'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-cookie'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-copyright'                               = '﫥'
    'nf-mdi-corn'                                    = 'ﲶ'
    'nf-mdi-counter'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-cow'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-creation'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-credit_card'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-credit_card_multiple'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-credit_card_off'                         = '﫣'
    'nf-mdi-credit_card_plus'                        = 'ﭴ'
    'nf-mdi-credit_card_scan'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-crop'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-crop_free'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-crop_landscape'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-crop_portrait'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-crop_rotate'                             = 'ﮔ'
    'nf-mdi-crop_square'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-crosshairs'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-crosshairs_gps'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-crown'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-cube'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-cube_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-cube_send'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-cube_unfolded'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-cup'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-cup_off'                                 = '﫤'
    'nf-mdi-cup_water'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_btc'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_chf'                            = 'ﲷ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_cny'                            = 'ﲸ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_eth'                            = 'ﲹ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_eur'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_gbp'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_inr'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_jpy'                            = 'ﲺ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_krw'                            = 'ﲻ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_ngn'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_rub'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_sign'                           = 'ﲼ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_try'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_twd'                            = 'ﲽ'
    'nf-mdi-currency_usd'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-currency_usd_off'                        = 'ﭸ'
    'nf-mdi-cursor_default'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cursor_default_outline'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-cursor_move'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-cursor_pointer'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-cursor_text'                             = '﫦'
    'nf-mdi-database'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-database_minus'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-database_plus'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-debug_step_into'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-debug_step_out'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-debug_step_over'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-decagram'                                = 'ﱪ'
    'nf-mdi-decagram_outline'                        = 'ﱫ'
    'nf-mdi-decimal_decrease'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-decimal_increase'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-delete'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-delete_circle'                           = 'ﮁ'
    'nf-mdi-delete_empty'                            = '﯊'
    'nf-mdi-delete_forever'                          = '﫧'
    'nf-mdi-delete_restore'                          = 'ﴗ'
    'nf-mdi-delete_sweep'                            = '﫨'
    'nf-mdi-delete_variant'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-delta'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-deskphone'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-desktop_classic'                         = 'ﲾ'
    'nf-mdi-desktop_mac'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-desktop_tower'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-details'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-developer_board'                         = 'ﮕ'
    'nf-mdi-deviantart'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-dialpad'                                 = '﬛'
    'nf-mdi-diamond'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_1'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_2'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_3'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_4'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_5'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_6'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-dice_d10'                                = 'ﱭ'
    'nf-mdi-dice_d20'                                = '﫩'
    'nf-mdi-dice_d4'                                 = '﫪'
    'nf-mdi-dice_d6'                                 = '﫫'
    'nf-mdi-dice_d8'                                 = '﫬'
    'nf-mdi-dice_multiple'                           = 'ﱬ'
    'nf-mdi-dictionary'                              = '﬜'
    'nf-mdi-dip_switch'                              = 'ﲿ'
    'nf-mdi-directions'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-directions_fork'                         = 'נּ'
    'nf-mdi-discord'                                 = 'ﭮ'
    'nf-mdi-disk'                                    = '﫭'
    'nf-mdi-disk_alert'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-disqus'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-disqus_outline'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-division'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-division_box'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-dna'                                     = 'ﮂ'
    'nf-mdi-dns'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-do_not_disturb'                          = 'ﮖ'
    'nf-mdi-do_not_disturb_off'                      = 'ﮗ'
    'nf-mdi-dolby'                                   = 'ﮱ'
    'nf-mdi-domain'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-donkey'                                  = 'ﳀ'
    'nf-mdi-door'                                    = 'ﴘ'
    'nf-mdi-door_closed'                             = 'ﴙ'
    'nf-mdi-door_open'                               = 'ﴚ'
    'nf-mdi-dots_horizontal'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-dots_horizontal_circle'                  = 'ﳁ'
    'nf-mdi-dots_vertical'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-dots_vertical_circle'                    = 'ﳂ'
    'nf-mdi-douban'                                  = 'ﮘ'
    'nf-mdi-download'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-download_network'                        = 'ﯲ'
    'nf-mdi-drag'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-drag_horizontal'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-drag_vertical'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-drawing'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-drawing_box'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-dribbble'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-dribbble_box'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-drone'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-dropbox'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-drupal'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-duck'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-dumbbell'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-ear_hearing'                             = 'ﳃ'
    'nf-mdi-earth'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-earth_box'                               = '﯋'
    'nf-mdi-earth_box_off'                           = '﯌'
    'nf-mdi-earth_off'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-edge'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-eject'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-elephant'                                = 'ﳄ'
    'nf-mdi-elevation_decline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-elevation_rise'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-elevator'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-email'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-email_alert'                             = '﯍'
    'nf-mdi-email_open'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-email_open_outline'                      = '﫮'
    'nf-mdi-email_outline'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-email_secure'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-email_variant'                           = '﫯'
    'nf-mdi-emby'                                    = '﮲'
    'nf-mdi-emoticon'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_cool'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_dead'                           = 'ﮙ'
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_devil'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_excited'                        = 'ﮚ'
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_happy'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_neutral'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_poop'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_sad'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-emoticon_tongue'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-engine'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-engine_outline'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-equal'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-equal_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-eraser'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-eraser_variant'                          = 'סּ'
    'nf-mdi-escalator'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-ethernet'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-ethernet_cable'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-ethernet_cable_off'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-etsy'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-ev_station'                              = '﫰'
    'nf-mdi-eventbrite'                              = 'ﳅ'
    'nf-mdi-evernote'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-exclamation'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-exit_to_app'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-export'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-eye'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-eye_off'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-eye_off_outline'                         = '﯏'
    'nf-mdi-eye_outline'                             = '﯎'
    'nf-mdi-eyedropper'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-eyedropper_variant'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-face'                                    = '﭂'
    'nf-mdi-face_profile'                            = 'ףּ'
    'nf-mdi-facebook'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-facebook_box'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-facebook_messenger'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-factory'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-fan'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-fan_off'                                 = 'ﴛ'
    'nf-mdi-fast_forward'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-fast_forward_outline'                    = '﯐'
    'nf-mdi-fax'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-feather'                                 = '﯑'
    'nf-mdi-ferry'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-file'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_account'                            = 'ﰹ'
    'nf-mdi-file_chart'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_check'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_cloud'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_delimited'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_document'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_document_box'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_excel'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_excel_box'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_export'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_find'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_hidden'                             = '﬒'
    'nf-mdi-file_image'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_import'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_lock'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_multiple'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_music'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_pdf'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_pdf_box'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_percent'                            = 'ﴜ'
    'nf-mdi-file_plus'                               = 'ﱐ'
    'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint_box'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_presentation_box'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_restore'                            = 'ﭯ'
    'nf-mdi-file_send'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_tree'                               = 'פּ'
    'nf-mdi-file_video'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_word'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_word_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-file_xml'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-film'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-filmstrip'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-filmstrip_off'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-filter'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-filter_outline'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-filter_remove'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-filter_remove_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-filter_variant'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-finance'                                 = 'ﴝ'
    'nf-mdi-find_replace'                            = '﯒'
    'nf-mdi-fingerprint'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-fire'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-firefox'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-fish'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-flag'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-flag_checkered'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-flag_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-flag_triangle'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-flag_variant'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-flag_variant_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-flash'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-flash_auto'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-flash_circle'                            = 'ﴞ'
    'nf-mdi-flash_off'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-flash_outline'                           = 'ﯓ'
    'nf-mdi-flash_red_eye'                           = 'ﭹ'
    'nf-mdi-flashlight'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-flashlight_off'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-flask'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-flask_empty'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-flask_empty_outline'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-flask_outline'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-flattr'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-flip_to_back'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-flip_to_front'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-floor_plan'                              = 'ﴟ'
    'nf-mdi-floppy'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-flower'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_account'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_download'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_google_drive'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_image'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_lock'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_lock_open'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_move'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_multiple'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_multiple_image'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_multiple_outline'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_open'                             = 'ﱮ'
    'nf-mdi-folder_outline'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_plus'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_remove'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-folder_star'                             = 'ﮛ'
    'nf-mdi-folder_upload'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-font_awesome'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-food'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-food_apple'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-food_croissant'                          = 'ﳆ'
    'nf-mdi-food_fork_drink'                         = '﫱'
    'nf-mdi-food_off'                                = '﫲'
    'nf-mdi-food_variant'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-football'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-football_australian'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-football_helmet'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-forklift'                                = 'ﳇ'
    'nf-mdi-format_align_bottom'                     = 'ﱑ'
    'nf-mdi-format_align_center'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_align_justify'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_align_left'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_align_middle'                     = 'ﱒ'
    'nf-mdi-format_align_right'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_align_top'                        = 'ﱓ'
    'nf-mdi-format_annotation_plus'                  = '﭅'
    'nf-mdi-format_bold'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_clear'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_color_fill'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_color_text'                       = 'ﮜ'
    'nf-mdi-format_float_center'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_float_left'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_float_none'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_float_right'                      = ''
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    'nf-mdi-format_header_2'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_3'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_4'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_5'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_6'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_decrease'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_equal'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_increase'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_header_pound'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_horizontal_align_center'          = 'יִ'
    'nf-mdi-format_horizontal_align_left'            = 'ﬞ'
    'nf-mdi-format_horizontal_align_right'           = 'ײַ'
    'nf-mdi-format_indent_decrease'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_indent_increase'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_italic'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_line_spacing'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_line_style'                       = '難'
    'nf-mdi-format_line_weight'                      = '靖'
    'nf-mdi-format_list_bulleted'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_list_bulleted_type'               = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_list_checks'                      = 'ﱔ'
    'nf-mdi-format_list_numbers'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_page_break'                       = 'ﯕ'
    'nf-mdi-format_paint'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_paragraph'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_pilcrow'                          = 'ﯖ'
    'nf-mdi-format_quote_close'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_quote_open'                       = 'ﱕ'
    'nf-mdi-format_rotate_90'                        = 'ﮨ'
    'nf-mdi-format_section'                          = 'ﮝ'
    'nf-mdi-format_size'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_strikethrough'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_strikethrough_variant'            = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_subscript'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_superscript'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_text'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_textdirection_l_to_r'             = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_textdirection_r_to_l'             = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_title'                            = '﫳'
    'nf-mdi-format_underline'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_vertical_align_bottom'            = 'ﬠ'
    'nf-mdi-format_vertical_align_center'            = 'ﬡ'
    'nf-mdi-format_vertical_align_top'               = 'ﬢ'
    'nf-mdi-format_wrap_inline'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_wrap_square'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_wrap_tight'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-format_wrap_top_bottom'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-forum'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-forum_outline'                           = 'ﴠ'
    'nf-mdi-forward'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-foursquare'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-fridge'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-fridge_filled'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-fridge_filled_bottom'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-fridge_filled_top'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-fuel'                                    = 'ﳈ'
    'nf-mdi-fullscreen'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-fullscreen_exit'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-function'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-gamepad'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-gamepad_variant'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-garage'                                  = 'ﯗ'
    'nf-mdi-garage_open'                             = 'ﯘ'
    'nf-mdi-gas_cylinder'                            = 'צּ'
    'nf-mdi-gas_station'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-gate'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-gauge'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-gavel'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-gender_female'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-gender_male'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-gender_male_female'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-gender_transgender'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-gesture'                                 = 'ﳉ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_double_tap'                      = 'ﰺ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_swipe_down'                      = 'ﰻ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_swipe_left'                      = 'ﰼ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_swipe_right'                     = 'ﰽ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_swipe_up'                        = 'ﰾ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_tap'                             = 'ﰿ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_two_double_tap'                  = 'ﱀ'
    'nf-mdi-gesture_two_tap'                         = 'ﱁ'
    'nf-mdi-ghost'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-gift'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-git'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-github_box'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-github_circle'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-github_face'                             = 'ﯙ'
    'nf-mdi-glass_flute'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-glass_mug'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-glass_stange'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-glass_tulip'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-glassdoor'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-glasses'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-gmail'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-gnome'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-golf'                                    = 'ﴡ'
    'nf-mdi-gondola'                                 = 'ﮄ'
    'nf-mdi-google'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_analytics'                        = 'ﳊ'
    'nf-mdi-google_assistant'                        = 'ﳋ'
    'nf-mdi-google_cardboard'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_chrome'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_circles'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_circles_communities'              = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_circles_extended'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_circles_group'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_controller'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_controller_off'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_drive'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_earth'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_glass'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_home'                             = 'ﴢ'
    'nf-mdi-google_keep'                             = 'ﯚ'
    'nf-mdi-google_maps'                             = '﫴'
    'nf-mdi-google_nearby'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_pages'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_photos'                           = 'ﯛ'
    'nf-mdi-google_physical_web'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_play'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_plus'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_plus_box'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_translate'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-google_wallet'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-gradient'                                = 'ﮞ'
    'nf-mdi-grease_pencil'                           = 'קּ'
    'nf-mdi-grid'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-grid_large'                              = 'ﱖ'
    'nf-mdi-grid_off'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-group'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-guitar_acoustic'                         = 'ﱯ'
    'nf-mdi-guitar_electric'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-guitar_pick'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-guitar_pick_outline'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-guy_fawkes_mask'                         = 'ﴣ'
    'nf-mdi-hackernews'                              = 'ﬣ'
    'nf-mdi-hamburger'                               = 'ﮃ'
    'nf-mdi-hand_pointing_right'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-hanger'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-hangouts'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-harddisk'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-headphones'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-headphones_box'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-headphones_off'                          = 'ﳌ'
    'nf-mdi-headphones_settings'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-headset'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-headset_dock'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-headset_off'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-heart'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-heart_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-heart_box_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-heart_broken'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-heart_half'                              = 'ﯝ'
    'nf-mdi-heart_half_full'                         = 'ﯜ'
    'nf-mdi-heart_half_outline'                      = 'ﯞ'
    'nf-mdi-heart_off'                               = 'ﱗ'
    'nf-mdi-heart_outline'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-heart_pulse'                             = '﫵'
    'nf-mdi-help'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-help_box'                                = 'ﲉ'
    'nf-mdi-help_circle'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-help_circle_outline'                     = 'ﬤ'
    'nf-mdi-help_network'                            = 'ﯳ'
    'nf-mdi-hexagon'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-hexagon_multiple'                        = 'ﯟ'
    'nf-mdi-hexagon_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-high_definition'                         = 'ﳍ'
    'nf-mdi-highway'                                 = '﫶'
    'nf-mdi-history'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-hololens'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-home'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-home_account'                            = 'ﴤ'
    'nf-mdi-home_assistant'                          = 'ﳎ'
    'nf-mdi-home_automation'                         = 'ﳏ'
    'nf-mdi-home_circle'                             = 'ﳐ'
    'nf-mdi-home_heart'                              = 'ﴥ'
    'nf-mdi-home_map_marker'                         = '﫷'
    'nf-mdi-home_modern'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-home_outline'                            = 'ﮟ'
    'nf-mdi-home_variant'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-hook'                                    = 'ﯠ'
    'nf-mdi-hook_off'                                = 'ﯡ'
    'nf-mdi-hops'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-hospital'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-hospital_building'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-hospital_marker'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-hot_tub'                                 = 'ﴦ'
    'nf-mdi-hotel'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-houzz'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-houzz_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-hulu'                                    = 'ﴧ'
    'nf-mdi-human'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-human_child'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-human_female'                            = 'רּ'
    'nf-mdi-human_greeting'                          = 'שּ'
    'nf-mdi-human_handsdown'                         = 'תּ'
    'nf-mdi-human_handsup'                           = 'וֹ'
    'nf-mdi-human_male'                              = 'בֿ'
    'nf-mdi-human_male_female'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-human_pregnant'                          = '龜'
    'nf-mdi-humble_bundle'                           = 'ﱂ'
    'nf-mdi-ice_cream'                               = 'ﴨ'
    'nf-mdi-image'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_album'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_area'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_area_close'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_broken'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_broken_variant'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_black_white'                = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_center_focus'               = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_center_focus_weak'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_drama'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_frames'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_hdr'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_none'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_tilt_shift'                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_filter_vintage'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_multiple'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-image_off'                               = 'ﴩ'
    'nf-mdi-import'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-inbox'                                   = 'ﮅ'
    'nf-mdi-inbox_arrow_down'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-inbox_arrow_up'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-incognito'                               = '﫸'
    'nf-mdi-infinity'                                = 'ﯢ'
    'nf-mdi-information'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-information_outline'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-information_variant'                     = 'כֿ'
    'nf-mdi-instagram'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-instapaper'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-internet_explorer'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-invert_colors'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-itunes'                                  = 'ﭵ'
    'nf-mdi-jeepney'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-jira'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-jsfiddle'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-json'                                    = 'ﬥ'
    'nf-mdi-karate'                                  = 'ﴪ'
    'nf-mdi-keg'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-kettle'                                  = '﫹'
    'nf-mdi-key'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-key_change'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-key_minus'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-key_plus'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-key_remove'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-key_variant'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_backspace'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_caps'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_close'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_off'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_return'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_tab'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-keyboard_variant'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-kickstarter'                             = 'ﱃ'
    'nf-mdi-kodi'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-label'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-label_outline'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-ladybug'                                 = 'ﴫ'
    'nf-mdi-lambda'                                  = 'ﬦ'
    'nf-mdi-lamp'                                    = '﮳'
    'nf-mdi-lan'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-lan_connect'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-lan_disconnect'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-lan_pending'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_c'                              = 'ﭰ'
    'nf-mdi-language_cpp'                            = 'ﭱ'
    'nf-mdi-language_csharp'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_css3'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_go'                             = 'ﳑ'
    'nf-mdi-language_html5'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_javascript'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_php'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_python'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_python_text'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-language_r'                              = 'ﳒ'
    'nf-mdi-language_swift'                          = 'ﯣ'
    'nf-mdi-language_typescript'                     = 'ﯤ'
    'nf-mdi-laptop'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-laptop_chromebook'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-laptop_mac'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-laptop_off'                              = 'ﯥ'
    'nf-mdi-laptop_windows'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-lastfm'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-lastpass'                                = '聾'
    'nf-mdi-launch'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-lava_lamp'                               = 'ﳓ'
    'nf-mdi-layers'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-layers_off'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-lead_pencil'                             = 'פֿ'
    'nf-mdi-leaf'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-led_off'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-led_on'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-led_outline'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-led_strip'                               = 'ﳔ'
    'nf-mdi-led_variant_off'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-led_variant_on'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-led_variant_outline'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-library'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-library_books'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-library_music'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-library_plus'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-lightbulb'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-lightbulb_on'                            = 'ﯦ'
    'nf-mdi-lightbulb_on_outline'                    = 'ﯧ'
    'nf-mdi-lightbulb_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-link'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-link_off'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-link_variant'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-link_variant_off'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-linkedin'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-linkedin_box'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-linux'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-loading'                                 = 'ﱰ'
    'nf-mdi-lock'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-lock_open'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-lock_open_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-lock_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-lock_pattern'                            = 'ﯨ'
    'nf-mdi-lock_plus'                               = '﫺'
    'nf-mdi-lock_reset'                              = 'ﱱ'
    'nf-mdi-locker'                                  = 'ﳕ'
    'nf-mdi-locker_multiple'                         = 'ﳖ'
    'nf-mdi-login'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-login_variant'                           = '﫻'
    'nf-mdi-logout'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-logout_variant'                          = '﫼'
    'nf-mdi-looks'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-loop'                                    = 'ﯩ'
    'nf-mdi-loupe'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-lumx'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-magnet'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-magnet_on'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-magnify'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-magnify_minus'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-magnify_minus_outline'                   = 'ﯪ'
    'nf-mdi-magnify_plus'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-magnify_plus_outline'                    = 'ﯫ'
    'nf-mdi-mail_ru'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-mailbox'                                 = 'ﯬ'
    'nf-mdi-map'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-map_marker'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_circle'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_minus'                        = 'ﭏ'
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_multiple'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_off'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_outline'                      = 'ﳗ'
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_plus'                         = 'ﭐ'
    'nf-mdi-map_marker_radius'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-margin'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-markdown'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-marker'                                  = 'ﭑ'
    'nf-mdi-marker_check'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-martini'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-material_ui'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-math_compass'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-matrix'                                  = 'ﬧ'
    'nf-mdi-maxcdn'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-medical_bag'                             = 'ﯭ'
    'nf-mdi-medium'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-memory'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-menu'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-menu_down'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-menu_down_outline'                       = '﮴'
    'nf-mdi-menu_left'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-menu_right'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-menu_up'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-menu_up_outline'                         = '﮵'
    'nf-mdi-message'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_alert'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_bulleted'                        = 'ﮠ'
    'nf-mdi-message_bulleted_off'                    = 'ﮡ'
    'nf-mdi-message_draw'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_image'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_plus'                            = 'ﭒ'
    'nf-mdi-message_processing'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_reply'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_reply_text'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_settings'                        = 'ﯮ'
    'nf-mdi-message_settings_variant'                = 'ﯯ'
    'nf-mdi-message_text'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_text_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-message_video'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-meteor'                                  = 'ﬨ'
    'nf-mdi-metronome'                               = 'ﳘ'
    'nf-mdi-metronome_tick'                          = 'ﳙ'
    'nf-mdi-micro_sd'                                = 'ﳚ'
    'nf-mdi-microphone'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-microphone_off'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-microphone_outline'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-microphone_settings'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-microphone_variant'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-microphone_variant_off'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-microscope'                              = 'ﭓ'
    'nf-mdi-microsoft'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-minecraft'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-minus'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-minus_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-minus_box_outline'                       = 'ﯰ'
    'nf-mdi-minus_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-minus_circle_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-minus_network'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-mixcloud'                                = '﬩'
    'nf-mdi-mixer'                                   = 'ﳛ'
    'nf-mdi-monitor'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-monitor_multiple'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-more'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-motorbike'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-mouse'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-mouse_off'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-mouse_variant'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-mouse_variant_off'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-move_resize'                             = 'ﭔ'
    'nf-mdi-move_resize_variant'                     = 'ﭕ'
    'nf-mdi-movie'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-movie_roll'                              = 'ﳜ'
    'nf-mdi-multiplication'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-multiplication_box'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-mushroom'                                = 'ﳝ'
    'nf-mdi-mushroom_outline'                        = 'ﳞ'
    'nf-mdi-music'                                   = 'ﱘ'
    'nf-mdi-music_box'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_box_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note_bluetooth'                    = '﫽'
    'nf-mdi-music_note_bluetooth_off'                = '﫾'
    'nf-mdi-music_note_eighth'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note_half'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note_off'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note_quarter'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note_sixteenth'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_note_whole'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-music_off'                               = 'ﱙ'
    'nf-mdi-nature'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-nature_people'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-navigation'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-near_me'                                 = '頻'
    'nf-mdi-needle'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-nest_protect'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-nest_thermostat'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-netflix'                                 = 'ﱄ'
    'nf-mdi-network'                                 = 'ﯱ'
    'nf-mdi-new_box'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-newspaper'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-nfc'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-nfc_tap'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-nfc_variant'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-ninja'                                   = 'ﱲ'
    'nf-mdi-nintendo_switch'                         = 'ﳟ'
    'nf-mdi-nodejs'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-note'                                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-note_multiple'                           = '﮶'
    'nf-mdi-note_multiple_outline'                   = '﮷'
    'nf-mdi-note_outline'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-note_plus'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-note_plus_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-note_text'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-notebook'                                = 'ﴬ'
    'nf-mdi-notification_clear_all'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-npm'                                     = 'ﯵ'
    'nf-mdi-nuke'                                    = 'ﮢ'
    'nf-mdi-null'                                    = 'ﳠ'
    'nf-mdi-numeric'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_0_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_0_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_0_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_1_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_1_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_1_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_2_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_2_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_2_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_3_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_3_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_3_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_4_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_4_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_4_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_5_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_5_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_5_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_6_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_6_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_6_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_7_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_7_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_7_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_8_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_8_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_8_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_9_box'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_9_box_multiple_outline'          = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_9_box_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_9_plus_box'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_9_plus_box_multiple_outline'     = ''
    'nf-mdi-numeric_9_plus_box_outline'              = ''
    'nf-mdi-nut'                                     = 'ﯶ'
    'nf-mdi-nutrition'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-oar'                                     = 'ﭺ'
    'nf-mdi-octagon'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-octagon_outline'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-octagram'                                = 'ﯷ'
    'nf-mdi-octagram_outline'                        = 'ﱳ'
    'nf-mdi-odnoklassniki'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-office'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-oil'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-oil_temperature'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-omega'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-onedrive'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-onenote'                                 = 'ﱅ'
    'nf-mdi-opacity'                                 = '頋'
    'nf-mdi-open_in_app'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-open_in_new'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-openid'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-opera'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-orbit'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-ornament'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-ornament_variant'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-owl'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-package'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-package_down'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-package_up'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-package_variant'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-package_variant_closed'                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-page_first'                              = '﫿'
    'nf-mdi-page_last'                               = 'ff'
    'nf-mdi-page_layout_body'                        = 'ﯸ'
    'nf-mdi-page_layout_footer'                      = 'ﯹ'
    'nf-mdi-page_layout_header'                      = 'ﯺ'
    'nf-mdi-page_layout_sidebar_left'                = 'ﯻ'
    'nf-mdi-page_layout_sidebar_right'               = 'ﯼ'
    'nf-mdi-palette'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-palette_advanced'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-panda'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-pandora'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-panorama'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-panorama_fisheye'                        = ''
    'nf-mdi-panorama_horizontal'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-panorama_vertical'                       = ''
    'nf-mdi-panorama_wide_angle'                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-paper_cut_vertical'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-paperclip'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-parking'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-passport'                                = 'ﳡ'
    'nf-mdi-pause'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-pause_circle'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-pause_circle_outline'                    = ''
    'nf-mdi-pause_octagon'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-pause_octagon_outline'                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-paw'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-paw_off'                                 = 'ﭖ'
    'nf-mdi-pen'                                     = ''
    'nf-mdi-pencil'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-pencil_box'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-pencil_box_outline'                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-pencil_circle'                           = 'ﯽ'
    'nf-mdi-pencil_circle_outline'                   = 'ﱴ'
    'nf-mdi-pencil_lock'                             = ''
    'nf-mdi-pencil_off'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-pentagon'                                = 'ﯾ'
    'nf-mdi-pentagon_outline'                        = 'ﯿ'
    'nf-mdi-percent'                                 = ''
    'nf-mdi-periodic_table_co2'                      = 'ﳢ'
    'nf-mdi-periscope'                               = 'ﱆ'
    'nf-mdi-pharmacy'                                = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone'                                   = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_bluetooth'                         = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_classic'                           = 'fi'
    'nf-mdi-phone_forward'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_hangup'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_in_talk'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_incoming'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_locked'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_log'                               = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_minus'                             = 'ﭗ'
    'nf-mdi-phone_missed'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_outgoing'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_paused'                            = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_plus'                              = 'ﭘ'
    'nf-mdi-phone_return'                            = 'ﴭ'
    'nf-mdi-phone_settings'                          = ''
    'nf-mdi-phone_voip'                              = ''
    'nf-mdi-pi'                                      = ''
    'nf-mdi-pi_box'                                  = ''
    'nf-mdi-piano'                                   = 'ﭻ'
    'nf-mdi-pig'                                     = '豈'
    'nf-mdi-pill'                                    = '更'
    'nf-mdi-pillar'                                  = 'ﰀ'
    'nf-mdi-pin'                                     = '車'
    'nf-mdi-pin_off'                                 = '賈'
    'nf-mdi-pine_tree'                               = '滑'
    'nf-mdi-pine_tree_box'                           = '串'
    'nf-mdi-pinterest'                               = '句'
    'nf-mdi-pinterest_box'                           = '龜'
    'nf-mdi-pipe'                                    = 'ﳣ'
    'nf-mdi-pipe_disconnected'                       = 'ﳤ'
    'nf-mdi-pistol'                                  = 'ﰁ'
    'nf-mdi-pizza'                                   = '龜'
    'nf-mdi-plane_shield'                            = '﮹'
    'nf-mdi-play'                                    = '契'
    'nf-mdi-play_box_outline'                        = '金'
    'nf-mdi-play_circle'                             = '喇'
    'nf-mdi-play_circle_outline'                     = '奈'
    'nf-mdi-play_pause'                              = '懶'
    'nf-mdi-play_protected_content'                  = '癩'
    'nf-mdi-playlist_check'                          = '陼'
    'nf-mdi-playlist_minus'                          = '羅'
    'nf-mdi-playlist_play'                           = '蘿'
    'nf-mdi-playlist_plus'                           = '螺'
    'nf-mdi-playlist_remove'                         = '裸'
    'nf-mdi-playstation'                             = '邏'
    'nf-mdi-plex'                                    = '﮸'
    'nf-mdi-plus'                                    = '樂'
    'nf-mdi-plus_box'                                = '洛'
    'nf-mdi-plus_box_outline'                        = 'ﰂ'
    'nf-mdi-plus_circle'                             = '烙'
    'nf-mdi-plus_circle_multiple_outline'            = '珞'
    'nf-mdi-plus_circle_outline'                     = '落'
    'nf-mdi-plus_network'                            = '酪'
    'nf-mdi-plus_one'                                = '駱'
    'nf-mdi-plus_outline'                            = 'ﰃ'
    'nf-mdi-pocket'                                  = '亂'
    'nf-mdi-pokeball'                                = '卵'
    'nf-mdi-poker_chip'                              = 'ﴮ'
    'nf-mdi-polaroid'                                = '欄'
    'nf-mdi-poll'                                    = '爛'
    'nf-mdi-poll_box'                                = '蘭'
    'nf-mdi-polymer'                                 = '鸞'
    'nf-mdi-pool'                                    = 'ſt'
    'nf-mdi-popcorn'                                 = '嵐'
    'nf-mdi-pot'                                     = 'ﭙ'
    'nf-mdi-pot_mix'                                 = 'ﭚ'
    'nf-mdi-pound'                                   = '濫'
    'nf-mdi-pound_box'                               = '藍'
    'nf-mdi-power'                                   = '襤'
    'nf-mdi-power_plug'                              = 'ﮣ'
    'nf-mdi-power_plug_off'                          = 'ﮤ'
    'nf-mdi-power_settings'                          = '拉'
    'nf-mdi-power_socket'                            = '臘'
    'nf-mdi-power_socket_eu'                         = 'ﳥ'
    'nf-mdi-power_socket_uk'                         = 'ﳦ'
    'nf-mdi-power_socket_us'                         = 'ﳧ'
    'nf-mdi-prescription'                            = 'ﰄ'
    'nf-mdi-presentation'                            = '蠟'
    'nf-mdi-presentation_play'                       = '廊'
    'nf-mdi-printer'                                 = '朗'
    'nf-mdi-printer_3d'                              = '浪'
    'nf-mdi-printer_alert'                           = '狼'
    'nf-mdi-printer_settings'                        = 'ﰅ'
    'nf-mdi-priority_high'                           = 'fl'
    'nf-mdi-priority_low'                            = 'ffi'
    'nf-mdi-professional_hexagon'                    = '郎'
    'nf-mdi-projector'                               = '來'
    'nf-mdi-projector_screen'                        = '冷'
    'nf-mdi-publish'                                 = 'ﮥ'
    'nf-mdi-pulse'                                   = '勞'
    'nf-mdi-puzzle'                                  = '擄'
    'nf-mdi-qqchat'                                  = 'ffl'
    'nf-mdi-qrcode'                                  = '櫓'
    'nf-mdi-qrcode_scan'                             = '爐'
    'nf-mdi-quadcopter'                              = '盧'
    'nf-mdi-quality_high'                            = '老'
    'nf-mdi-quicktime'                               = '蘆'
    'nf-mdi-radar'                                   = '虜'
    'nf-mdi-radiator'                                = '路'
    'nf-mdi-radio'                                   = '露'
    'nf-mdi-radio_handheld'                          = '魯'
    'nf-mdi-radio_tower'                             = '鷺'
    'nf-mdi-radioactive'                             = '碌'
    'nf-mdi-radiobox_blank'                          = '祿'
    'nf-mdi-radiobox_marked'                         = '綠'
    'nf-mdi-raspberrypi'                             = '菉'
    'nf-mdi-ray_end'                                 = '錄'
    'nf-mdi-ray_end_arrow'                           = '鹿'
    'nf-mdi-ray_start'                               = '論'
    'nf-mdi-ray_start_arrow'                         = '壟'
    'nf-mdi-ray_start_end'                           = '弄'
    'nf-mdi-ray_vertex'                              = '籠'
    'nf-mdi-react'                                   = 'ﰆ'
    'nf-mdi-read'                                    = '牢'
    'nf-mdi-receipt'                                 = '賂'
    'nf-mdi-record'                                  = '雷'
    'nf-mdi-record_rec'                              = '壘'
    'nf-mdi-recycle'                                 = '屢'
    'nf-mdi-reddit'                                  = '樓'
    'nf-mdi-redo'                                    = '淚'
    'nf-mdi-redo_variant'                            = '漏'
    'nf-mdi-refresh'                                 = '累'
    'nf-mdi-regex'                                   = '縷'
    'nf-mdi-relative_scale'                          = '陋'
    'nf-mdi-reload'                                  = '勒'
    'nf-mdi-remote'                                  = '肋'
    'nf-mdi-rename_box'                              = '凜'
    'nf-mdi-reorder_horizontal'                      = 'ﮆ'
    'nf-mdi-reorder_vertical'                        = 'ﮇ'
    'nf-mdi-repeat'                                  = '凌'
    'nf-mdi-repeat_off'                              = '稜'
    'nf-mdi-repeat_once'                             = '綾'
    'nf-mdi-replay'                                  = '菱'
    'nf-mdi-reply'                                   = '陵'
    'nf-mdi-reply_all'                               = '讀'
    'nf-mdi-reproduction'                            = '拏'
    'nf-mdi-resize_bottom_right'                     = '樂'
    'nf-mdi-responsive'                              = '諾'
    'nf-mdi-restart'                                 = 'ﰇ'
    'nf-mdi-restore'                                 = 'ﮦ'
    'nf-mdi-rewind'                                  = '丹'
    'nf-mdi-rewind_outline'                          = 'ﰈ'
    'nf-mdi-rhombus'                                 = 'ﰉ'
    'nf-mdi-rhombus_outline'                         = 'ﰊ'
    'nf-mdi-ribbon'                                  = '寧'
    'nf-mdi-rice'                                    = 'ﳨ'
    'nf-mdi-ring'                                    = 'ﳩ'
    'nf-mdi-road'                                    = '怒'
    'nf-mdi-road_variant'                            = '率'
    'nf-mdi-robot'                                   = 'ﮧ'
    'nf-mdi-rocket'                                  = '異'
    'nf-mdi-roomba'                                  = 'ﰋ'
    'nf-mdi-rotate_3d'                               = '北'
    'nf-mdi-rotate_left'                             = '磻'
    'nf-mdi-rotate_left_variant'                     = '便'
    'nf-mdi-rotate_right'                            = '復'
    'nf-mdi-rotate_right_variant'                    = '不'
    'nf-mdi-rounded_corner'                          = 'st'
    'nf-mdi-router_wireless'                         = '泌'
    'nf-mdi-routes'                                  = '數'
    'nf-mdi-rowing'                                  = '﬇'
    'nf-mdi-rss'                                     = '索'
    'nf-mdi-rss_box'                                 = '參'
    'nf-mdi-ruler'                                   = '塞'
    'nf-mdi-run'                                     = 'ﰌ'
    'nf-mdi-run_fast'                                = '省'
    'nf-mdi-sale'                                    = '葉'
    'nf-mdi-sass'                                    = 'ﳪ'
    'nf-mdi-satellite'                               = '說'
    'nf-mdi-satellite_variant'                       = '殺'
    'nf-mdi-saxophone'                               = '﬈'
    'nf-mdi-scale'                                   = '辰'
    'nf-mdi-scale_balance'                           = '𢡄'
    'nf-mdi-scale_bathroom'                          = '沈'
    'nf-mdi-scanner'                                 = 'ﮩ'
    'nf-mdi-school'                                  = '拾'
    'nf-mdi-screen_rotation'                         = '若'
    'nf-mdi-screen_rotation_lock'                    = '掠'
    'nf-mdi-screwdriver'                             = '略'
    'nf-mdi-script'                                  = '亮'
    'nf-mdi-sd'                                      = '兩'
    'nf-mdi-seal'                                    = '凉'
    'nf-mdi-search_web'                              = 'ﰍ'
    'nf-mdi-seat_flat'                               = '梁'
    'nf-mdi-seat_flat_angled'                        = '糧'
    'nf-mdi-seat_individual_suite'                   = '良'
    'nf-mdi-seat_legroom_extra'                      = '諒'
    'nf-mdi-seat_legroom_normal'                     = '量'
    'nf-mdi-seat_legroom_reduced'                    = '勵'
    'nf-mdi-seat_recline_extra'                      = '呂'
    'nf-mdi-seat_recline_normal'                     = '女'
    'nf-mdi-security'                                = '廬'
    'nf-mdi-security_home'                           = 'ﮈ'
    'nf-mdi-security_network'                        = '旅'
    'nf-mdi-select'                                  = '濾'
    'nf-mdi-select_all'                              = '礪'
    'nf-mdi-select_inverse'                          = '閭'
    'nf-mdi-select_off'                              = '驪'
    'nf-mdi-selection'                               = '麗'
    'nf-mdi-selection_off'                           = 'ﱵ'
    'nf-mdi-send'                                    = '黎'
    'nf-mdi-send_secure'                             = 'ﳫ'
    'nf-mdi-serial_port'                             = 'ﭛ'
    'nf-mdi-server'                                  = '力'
    'nf-mdi-server_minus'                            = '曆'
    'nf-mdi-server_network'                          = '歷'
    'nf-mdi-server_network_off'                      = '轢'
    'nf-mdi-server_off'                              = '年'
    'nf-mdi-server_plus'                             = '憐'
    'nf-mdi-server_remove'                           = '戀'
    'nf-mdi-server_security'                         = '撚'
    'nf-mdi-set_all'                                 = 'ﱶ'
    'nf-mdi-set_center'                              = 'ﱷ'
    'nf-mdi-set_center_right'                        = 'ﱸ'
    'nf-mdi-set_left'                                = 'ﱹ'
    'nf-mdi-set_left_center'                         = 'ﱺ'
    'nf-mdi-set_left_right'                          = 'ﱻ'
    'nf-mdi-set_none'                                = 'ﱼ'
    'nf-mdi-set_right'                               = 'ﱽ'
    'nf-mdi-settings'                                = '漣'
    'nf-mdi-settings_box'                            = '煉'
    'nf-mdi-shape'                                   = 'ﴯ'
    'nf-mdi-shape_circle_plus'                       = 'ﭜ'
    'nf-mdi-shape_outline'                           = 'ﴰ'
    'nf-mdi-shape_plus'                              = '璉'
    'nf-mdi-shape_polygon_plus'                      = 'ﭝ'
    'nf-mdi-shape_rectangle_plus'                    = 'ﭞ'
    'nf-mdi-shape_square_plus'                       = 'ﭟ'
    'nf-mdi-share'                                   = '秊'
    'nf-mdi-share_variant'                           = '練'
    'nf-mdi-shield'                                  = '聯'
    'nf-mdi-shield_half_full'                        = 'ﱾ'
    'nf-mdi-shield_outline'                          = '輦'
    'nf-mdi-ship_wheel'                              = 'ﴱ'
    'nf-mdi-shopping'                                = '蓮'
    'nf-mdi-shopping_music'                          = '連'
    'nf-mdi-shovel'                                  = 'ﰎ'
    'nf-mdi-shovel_off'                              = 'ﰏ'
    'nf-mdi-shredder'                                = '鍊'
    'nf-mdi-shuffle'                                 = '列'
    'nf-mdi-shuffle_disabled'                        = '劣'
    'nf-mdi-shuffle_variant'                         = '咽'
    'nf-mdi-sigma'                                   = '烈'
    'nf-mdi-sigma_lower'                             = 'שׁ'
    'nf-mdi-sign_caution'                            = '裂'
    'nf-mdi-sign_direction'                          = 'ﱿ'
    'nf-mdi-sign_text'                               = 'ﲀ'
    'nf-mdi-signal'                                  = '說'
    'nf-mdi-signal_2g'                               = 'ﰐ'
    'nf-mdi-signal_3g'                               = 'ﰑ'
    'nf-mdi-signal_4g'                               = 'ﰒ'
    'nf-mdi-signal_hspa'                             = 'ﰓ'
    'nf-mdi-signal_hspa_plus'                        = 'ﰔ'
    'nf-mdi-signal_off'                              = 'ﲁ'
    'nf-mdi-signal_variant'                          = '﬉'
    'nf-mdi-silverware'                              = '廉'
    'nf-mdi-silverware_fork'                         = '念'
    'nf-mdi-silverware_spoon'                        = '捻'
    'nf-mdi-silverware_variant'                      = '殮'
    'nf-mdi-sim'                                     = '簾'
    'nf-mdi-sim_alert'                               = '獵'
    'nf-mdi-sim_off'                                 = '令'
    'nf-mdi-sitemap'                                 = '囹'
    'nf-mdi-skip_backward'                           = '寧'
    'nf-mdi-skip_forward'                            = '嶺'
    'nf-mdi-skip_next'                               = '怜'
    'nf-mdi-skip_next_circle'                        = 'ﭠ'
    'nf-mdi-skip_next_circle_outline'                = 'ﭡ'
    'nf-mdi-skip_previous'                           = '玲'
    'nf-mdi-skip_previous_circle'                    = 'ﭢ'
    'nf-mdi-skip_previous_circle_outline'            = 'ﭣ'
    'nf-mdi-skull'                                   = 'ﮊ'
    'nf-mdi-skype'                                   = '瑩'
    'nf-mdi-skype_business'                          = '羚'
    'nf-mdi-slack'                                   = '聆'
    'nf-mdi-sleep'                                   = '鈴'
    'nf-mdi-sleep_off'                               = '零'
    'nf-mdi-smoking'                                 = '靈'
    'nf-mdi-smoking_off'                             = '領'
    'nf-mdi-snapchat'                                = '例'
    'nf-mdi-snowflake'                               = 'ﰕ'
    'nf-mdi-snowman'                                 = '禮'
    'nf-mdi-soccer'                                  = '醴'
    'nf-mdi-soccer_field'                            = 'ﴲ'
    'nf-mdi-sofa'                                    = '隸'
    'nf-mdi-solid'                                   = 'ﮋ'
    'nf-mdi-sort'                                    = '惡'
    'nf-mdi-sort_alphabetical'                       = '了'
    'nf-mdi-sort_ascending'                          = '僚'
    'nf-mdi-sort_descending'                         = '寮'
    'nf-mdi-sort_numeric'                            = '尿'
    'nf-mdi-sort_variant'                            = '料'
    'nf-mdi-soundcloud'                              = '樂'
    'nf-mdi-source_branch'                           = 'שׂ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit'                           = 'ﰖ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit_end'                       = 'ﰗ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit_end_local'                 = 'ﰘ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit_local'                     = 'ﰙ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit_next_local'                = 'ﰚ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit_start'                     = 'ﰛ'
    'nf-mdi-source_commit_start_next_local'          = 'ﰜ'
    'nf-mdi-source_fork'                             = '燎'
    'nf-mdi-source_merge'                            = 'שּׁ'
    'nf-mdi-source_pull'                             = '療'
    'nf-mdi-soy_sauce'                               = 'ﳬ'
    'nf-mdi-speaker'                                 = '蓼'
    'nf-mdi-speaker_off'                             = '遼'
    'nf-mdi-speaker_wireless'                        = 'ﰝ'
    'nf-mdi-speedometer'                             = '龍'
    'nf-mdi-spellcheck'                              = '暈'
    'nf-mdi-spotify'                                 = '阮'
    'nf-mdi-spotlight'                               = '劉'
    'nf-mdi-spotlight_beam'                          = '杻'
    'nf-mdi-spray'                                   = 'ﭤ'
    'nf-mdi-square'                                  = 'ﱢ'
    'nf-mdi-square_inc'                              = '柳'
    'nf-mdi-square_inc_cash'                         = '流'
    'nf-mdi-square_outline'                          = 'ﱡ'
    'nf-mdi-square_root'                             = 'ﲂ'
    'nf-mdi-stack_overflow'                          = '溜'
    'nf-mdi-stackexchange'                           = '﬊'
    'nf-mdi-stadium'                                 = 'ﰞ'
    'nf-mdi-stairs'                                  = '琉'
    'nf-mdi-standard_definition'                     = 'ﳭ'
    'nf-mdi-star'                                    = '留'
    'nf-mdi-star_circle'                             = '硫'
    'nf-mdi-star_half'                               = '紐'
    'nf-mdi-star_off'                                = '類'
    'nf-mdi-star_outline'                            = '六'
    'nf-mdi-steam'                                   = '戮'
    'nf-mdi-steering'                                = '陸'
    'nf-mdi-step_backward'                           = '倫'
    'nf-mdi-step_backward_2'                         = '崙'
    'nf-mdi-step_forward'                            = '淪'
    'nf-mdi-step_forward_2'                          = '輪'
    'nf-mdi-stethoscope'                             = '律'
    'nf-mdi-sticker'                                 = '𢡊'
    'nf-mdi-sticker_emoji'                           = 'ﲃ'
    'nf-mdi-stocking'                                = '慄'
    'nf-mdi-stop'                                    = '栗'
    'nf-mdi-stop_circle'                             = 'ﭥ'
    'nf-mdi-stop_circle_outline'                     = 'ﭦ'
    'nf-mdi-store'                                   = '率'
    'nf-mdi-store_24_hour'                           = '隆'
    'nf-mdi-stove'                                   = '利'
    'nf-mdi-subdirectory_arrow_left'                 = '﬋'
    'nf-mdi-subdirectory_arrow_right'                = '﬌'
    'nf-mdi-subway'                                  = 'ﮪ'
    'nf-mdi-subway_variant'                          = '吏'
    'nf-mdi-summit'                                  = 'ﲄ'
    'nf-mdi-sunglasses'                              = '履'
    'nf-mdi-surround_sound'                          = '醙'
    'nf-mdi-surround_sound_2_0'                      = 'ﳮ'
    'nf-mdi-surround_sound_3_1'                      = 'ﳯ'
    'nf-mdi-surround_sound_5_1'                      = 'ﳰ'
    'nf-mdi-surround_sound_7_1'                      = 'ﳱ'
    'nf-mdi-svg'                                     = 'ﰟ'
    'nf-mdi-swap_horizontal'                         = '易'
    'nf-mdi-swap_vertical'                           = '李'
    'nf-mdi-swim'                                    = '梨'
    'nf-mdi-switch'                                  = '泥'
    'nf-mdi-sword'                                   = '理'
    'nf-mdi-sword_cross'                             = 'ﲅ'
    'nf-mdi-sync'                                    = '痢'
    'nf-mdi-sync_alert'                              = '罹'
    'nf-mdi-sync_off'                                = '裏'
    'nf-mdi-tab'                                     = '裡'
    'nf-mdi-tab_plus'                                = 'ﱚ'
    'nf-mdi-tab_unselected'                          = '里'
    'nf-mdi-table'                                   = '離'
    'nf-mdi-table_column'                            = 'ﴳ'
    'nf-mdi-table_column_plus_after'                 = '匿'
    'nf-mdi-table_column_plus_before'                = '溺'
    'nf-mdi-table_column_remove'                     = '吝'
    'nf-mdi-table_column_width'                      = '燐'
    'nf-mdi-table_edit'                              = '璘'
    'nf-mdi-table_large'                             = '藺'
    'nf-mdi-table_of_contents'                       = 'ﴴ'
    'nf-mdi-table_row'                               = 'ﴵ'
    'nf-mdi-table_row_height'                        = '隣'
    'nf-mdi-table_row_plus_after'                    = '鱗'
    'nf-mdi-table_row_plus_before'                   = '麟'
    'nf-mdi-table_row_remove'                        = '林'
    'nf-mdi-table_settings'                          = 'ﴶ'
    'nf-mdi-tablet'                                  = '淋'
    'nf-mdi-tablet_android'                          = '臨'
    'nf-mdi-tablet_ipad'                             = '立'
    'nf-mdi-taco'                                    = 'ﱠ'
    'nf-mdi-tag'                                     = '笠'
    'nf-mdi-tag_faces'                               = '粒'
    'nf-mdi-tag_heart'                               = 'ﮉ'
    'nf-mdi-tag_multiple'                            = '狀'
    'nf-mdi-tag_outline'                             = '炙'
    'nf-mdi-tag_plus'                                = 'ﰠ'
    'nf-mdi-tag_remove'                              = 'ﰡ'
    'nf-mdi-tag_text_outline'                        = '識'
    'nf-mdi-target'                                  = '什'
    'nf-mdi-taxi'                                    = '茶'
    'nf-mdi-teamviewer'                              = '刺'
    'nf-mdi-telegram'                                = '切'
    'nf-mdi-television'                              = '度'
    'nf-mdi-television_box'                          = 'ﴷ'
    'nf-mdi-television_classic'                      = 'ﳲ'
    'nf-mdi-television_classic_off'                  = 'ﴸ'
    'nf-mdi-television_guide'                        = '拓'
    'nf-mdi-television_off'                          = 'ﴹ'
    'nf-mdi-temperature_celsius'                     = '糖'
    'nf-mdi-temperature_fahrenheit'                  = '宅'
    'nf-mdi-temperature_kelvin'                      = '洞'
    'nf-mdi-tennis'                                  = '暴'
    'nf-mdi-tent'                                    = '輻'
    'nf-mdi-terrain'                                 = '行'
    'nf-mdi-test_tube'                               = 'ﭧ'
    'nf-mdi-text_shadow'                             = 'ﭨ'
    'nf-mdi-text_to_speech'                          = '降'
    'nf-mdi-text_to_speech_off'                      = '見'
    'nf-mdi-textbox'                                 = '﬍'
    'nf-mdi-textbox_password'                        = 'ﳳ'
    'nf-mdi-texture'                                 = '廓'
    'nf-mdi-theater'                                 = '兀'
    'nf-mdi-theme_light_dark'                        = '嗀'
    'nf-mdi-thermometer'                             = '﨎'
    'nf-mdi-thermometer_lines'                       = '﨏'
    'nf-mdi-thought_bubble'                          = 'ﳴ'
    'nf-mdi-thought_bubble_outline'                  = 'ﳵ'
    'nf-mdi-thumb_down'                              = '塚'
    'nf-mdi-thumb_down_outline'                      = '﨑'
    'nf-mdi-thumb_up'                                = '晴'
    'nf-mdi-thumb_up_outline'                        = '﨓'
    'nf-mdi-thumbs_up_down'                          = '﨔'
    'nf-mdi-ticket'                                  = '凞'
    'nf-mdi-ticket_account'                          = '猪'
    'nf-mdi-ticket_confirmation'                     = '益'
    'nf-mdi-ticket_percent'                          = 'ﰢ'
    'nf-mdi-tie'                                     = '礼'
    'nf-mdi-tilde'                                   = 'ﰣ'
    'nf-mdi-timelapse'                               = '神'
    'nf-mdi-timer'                                   = '祥'
    'nf-mdi-timer_10'                                = '福'
    'nf-mdi-timer_3'                                 = '靖'
    'nf-mdi-timer_off'                               = '精'
    'nf-mdi-timer_sand'                              = '羽'
    'nf-mdi-timer_sand_empty'                        = 'ﮫ'
    'nf-mdi-timer_sand_full'                         = 'ﲊ'
    'nf-mdi-timetable'                               = '﨟'
    'nf-mdi-toggle_switch'                           = '蘒'
    'nf-mdi-toggle_switch_off'                       = '﨡'
    'nf-mdi-tooltip'                                 = '諸'
    'nf-mdi-tooltip_edit'                            = '﨣'
    'nf-mdi-tooltip_image'                           = '﨤'
    'nf-mdi-tooltip_outline'                         = '逸'
    'nf-mdi-tooltip_outline_plus'                    = '都'
    'nf-mdi-tooltip_text'                            = '﨧'
    'nf-mdi-tooth'                                   = '﨨'
    'nf-mdi-tor'                                     = '﨩'
    'nf-mdi-tower_beach'                             = 'ﭿ'
    'nf-mdi-tower_fire'                              = 'ﮀ'
    'nf-mdi-towing'                                  = 'ﴺ'
    'nf-mdi-trackpad'                                = 'ﳶ'
    'nf-mdi-traffic_light'                           = '飯'
    'nf-mdi-train'                                   = '飼'
    'nf-mdi-tram'                                    = '館'
    'nf-mdi-transcribe'                              = '鶴'
    'nf-mdi-transcribe_close'                        = '郞'
    'nf-mdi-transfer'                                = '隷'
    'nf-mdi-transit_transfer'                        = 'ﮬ'
    'nf-mdi-translate'                               = '韛'
    'nf-mdi-treasure_chest'                          = 'ﰤ'
    'nf-mdi-tree'                                    = '侮'
    'nf-mdi-trello'                                  = '僧'
    'nf-mdi-trending_down'                           = '免'
    'nf-mdi-trending_neutral'                        = '勉'
    'nf-mdi-trending_up'                             = '勤'
    'nf-mdi-triangle'                                = '卑'
    'nf-mdi-triangle_outline'                        = '喝'
    'nf-mdi-trophy'                                  = '嘆'
    'nf-mdi-trophy_award'                            = '器'
    'nf-mdi-trophy_outline'                          = '塀'
    'nf-mdi-trophy_variant'                          = '墨'
    'nf-mdi-trophy_variant_outline'                  = '層'
    'nf-mdi-truck'                                   = '屮'
    'nf-mdi-truck_delivery'                          = '悔'
    'nf-mdi-truck_fast'                              = 'ﲆ'
    'nf-mdi-truck_trailer'                           = 'ﰥ'
    'nf-mdi-tshirt_crew'                             = '慨'
    'nf-mdi-tshirt_v'                                = '憎'
    'nf-mdi-tumblr'                                  = '懲'
    'nf-mdi-tumblr_reblog'                           = '敏'
    'nf-mdi-tune'                                    = 'שּׂ'
    'nf-mdi-tune_vertical'                           = 'ﭩ'
    'nf-mdi-twitch'                                  = '既'
    'nf-mdi-twitter'                                 = '暑'
    'nf-mdi-twitter_box'                             = '梅'
    'nf-mdi-twitter_circle'                          = '海'
    'nf-mdi-twitter_retweet'                         = '渚'
    'nf-mdi-uber'                                    = 'ﱇ'
    'nf-mdi-ubuntu'                                  = '漢'
    'nf-mdi-ultra_high_definition'                   = 'ﳷ'
    'nf-mdi-umbraco'                                 = '煮'
    'nf-mdi-umbrella'                                = '爫'
    'nf-mdi-umbrella_outline'                        = '琢'
    'nf-mdi-undo'                                    = '碑'
    'nf-mdi-undo_variant'                            = '社'
    'nf-mdi-unfold_less_horizontal'                  = '祉'
    'nf-mdi-unfold_less_vertical'                    = 'ﱞ'
    'nf-mdi-unfold_more_horizontal'                  = '祈'
    'nf-mdi-unfold_more_vertical'                    = 'ﱟ'
    'nf-mdi-ungroup'                                 = '祐'
    'nf-mdi-unity'                                   = 'ﮭ'
    'nf-mdi-untappd'                                 = '祖'
    'nf-mdi-update'                                  = 'ﮮ'
    'nf-mdi-upload'                                  = '祝'
    'nf-mdi-upload_multiple'                         = 'ﴻ'
    'nf-mdi-upload_network'                          = 'ﯴ'
    'nf-mdi-usb'                                     = '禍'
    'nf-mdi-van_passenger'                           = 'ﳸ'
    'nf-mdi-van_utility'                             = 'ﳹ'
    'nf-mdi-vanish'                                  = 'ﳺ'
    'nf-mdi-vector_arrange_above'                    = '禎'
    'nf-mdi-vector_arrange_below'                    = '穀'
    'nf-mdi-vector_circle'                           = '突'
    'nf-mdi-vector_circle_variant'                   = '節'
    'nf-mdi-vector_combine'                          = '練'
    'nf-mdi-vector_curve'                            = '縉'
    'nf-mdi-vector_difference'                       = '繁'
    'nf-mdi-vector_difference_ab'                    = '署'
    'nf-mdi-vector_difference_ba'                    = '者'
    'nf-mdi-vector_intersection'                     = '臭'
    'nf-mdi-vector_line'                             = '艹'
    'nf-mdi-vector_point'                            = '艹'
    'nf-mdi-vector_polygon'                          = '著'
    'nf-mdi-vector_polyline'                         = '褐'
    'nf-mdi-vector_radius'                           = 'ﱈ'
    'nf-mdi-vector_rectangle'                        = '鉶'
    'nf-mdi-vector_selection'                        = '視'
    'nf-mdi-vector_square'                           = ''
    'nf-mdi-vector_triangle'                         = '謁'
    'nf-mdi-vector_union'                            = '謹'
    'nf-mdi-venmo'                                   = '勺'
    'nf-mdi-verified'                                = '賓'
    'nf-mdi-vibrate'                                 = '贈'
    'nf-mdi-video'                                   = '辶'
    'nf-mdi-video_3d'                                = 'ﳻ'
    'nf-mdi-video_4k_box'                            = 'ﴼ'
    'nf-mdi-video_input_antenna'                     = 'ﴽ'
    'nf-mdi-video_input_component'                   = '﴾'
    'nf-mdi-video_input_hdmi'                        = '﴿'
    'nf-mdi-video_input_svideo'                      = '﵀'
    'nf-mdi-video_off'                               = '逸'
    'nf-mdi-video_switch'                            = '難'
    'nf-mdi-view_agenda'                             = '響'
    'nf-mdi-view_array'                              = '頻'
    'nf-mdi-view_carousel'                           = '恵'
    'nf-mdi-view_column'                             = '𤋮'
    'nf-mdi-view_dashboard'                          = '舘'
    'nf-mdi-view_dashboard_variant'                  = '﵁'
    'nf-mdi-view_day'                                = '﩮'
    'nf-mdi-view_grid'                               = '﩯'
    'nf-mdi-view_headline'                           = '並'
    'nf-mdi-view_list'                               = '况'
    'nf-mdi-view_module'                             = '全'
    'nf-mdi-view_parallel'                           = 'ﰦ'
    'nf-mdi-view_quilt'                              = '侀'
    'nf-mdi-view_sequential'                         = 'ﰧ'
    'nf-mdi-view_stream'                             = '充'
    'nf-mdi-view_week'                               = '冀'
    'nf-mdi-vimeo'                                   = '勇'
    'nf-mdi-violin'                                  = '﬎'
    'nf-mdi-visualstudio'                            = '﬏'
    'nf-mdi-vk'                                      = '喝'
    'nf-mdi-vk_box'                                  = '啕'
    'nf-mdi-vk_circle'                               = '喙'
    'nf-mdi-vlc'                                     = '嗢'
    'nf-mdi-voice'                                   = '響'
    'nf-mdi-voicemail'                               = '塚'
    'nf-mdi-volume_high'                             = '墳'
    'nf-mdi-volume_low'                              = '奄'
    'nf-mdi-volume_medium'                           = '奔'
    'nf-mdi-volume_minus'                            = 'ﱜ'
    'nf-mdi-volume_mute'                             = 'ﱝ'
    'nf-mdi-volume_off'                              = '婢'
    'nf-mdi-volume_plus'                             = 'ﱛ'
    'nf-mdi-vpn'                                     = '嬨'
    'nf-mdi-vuejs'                                   = '﵂'
    'nf-mdi-walk'                                    = '廒'
    'nf-mdi-wall'                                    = 'ﳼ'
    'nf-mdi-wallet'                                  = '廙'
    'nf-mdi-wallet_giftcard'                         = '彩'
    'nf-mdi-wallet_membership'                       = '徭'
    'nf-mdi-wallet_travel'                           = '惘'
    'nf-mdi-wan'                                     = '慎'
    'nf-mdi-washing_machine'                         = 'ﰨ'
    'nf-mdi-watch'                                   = '愈'
    'nf-mdi-watch_export'                            = '憎'
    'nf-mdi-watch_import'                            = '慠'
    'nf-mdi-watch_vibrate'                           = 'ﮯ'
    'nf-mdi-water'                                   = '懲'
    'nf-mdi-water_off'                               = '戴'
    'nf-mdi-water_percent'                           = '揄'
    'nf-mdi-water_pump'                              = '搜'
    'nf-mdi-watermark'                               = '﬑'
    'nf-mdi-waves'                                   = 'ﲋ'
    'nf-mdi-weather_cloudy'                          = '摒'
    'nf-mdi-weather_fog'                             = '敖'
    'nf-mdi-weather_hail'                            = '晴'
    'nf-mdi-weather_lightning'                       = '朗'
    'nf-mdi-weather_lightning_rainy'                 = 'ﭼ'
    'nf-mdi-weather_night'                           = '望'
    'nf-mdi-weather_partlycloudy'                    = '杖'
    'nf-mdi-weather_pouring'                         = '歹'
    'nf-mdi-weather_rainy'                           = '殺'
    'nf-mdi-weather_snowy'                           = '流'
    'nf-mdi-weather_snowy_rainy'                     = 'ﭽ'
    'nf-mdi-weather_sunny'                           = '滛'
    'nf-mdi-weather_sunset'                          = '滋'
    'nf-mdi-weather_sunset_down'                     = '漢'
    'nf-mdi-weather_sunset_up'                       = '瀞'
    'nf-mdi-weather_windy'                           = '煮'
    'nf-mdi-weather_windy_variant'                   = '瞧'
    'nf-mdi-web'                                     = '爵'
    'nf-mdi-webcam'                                  = '犯'
    'nf-mdi-webhook'                                 = 'אַ'
    'nf-mdi-webpack'                                 = 'ﰩ'
    'nf-mdi-wechat'                                  = '﬐'
    'nf-mdi-weight'                                  = '猪'
    'nf-mdi-weight_kilogram'                         = '瑱'
    'nf-mdi-whatsapp'                                = '甆'
    'nf-mdi-wheelchair_accessibility'                = '画'
    'nf-mdi-white_balance_auto'                      = '瘝'
    'nf-mdi-white_balance_incandescent'              = '瘟'
    'nf-mdi-white_balance_iridescent'                = '益'
    'nf-mdi-white_balance_sunny'                     = '盛'
    'nf-mdi-widgets'                                 = 'ﰪ'
    'nf-mdi-wifi'                                    = '直'
    'nf-mdi-wifi_off'                                = '睊'
    'nf-mdi-wii'                                     = '着'
    'nf-mdi-wiiu'                                    = 'ﰫ'
    'nf-mdi-wikipedia'                               = '磌'
    'nf-mdi-window_close'                            = '窱'
    'nf-mdi-window_closed'                           = '節'
    'nf-mdi-window_maximize'                         = '类'
    'nf-mdi-window_minimize'                         = '絛'
    'nf-mdi-window_open'                             = '練'
    'nf-mdi-window_restore'                          = '缾'
    'nf-mdi-windows'                                 = '者'
    'nf-mdi-wordpress'                               = '荒'
    'nf-mdi-worker'                                  = '華'
    'nf-mdi-wrap'                                    = '蝹'
    'nf-mdi-wrench'                                  = '襁'
    'nf-mdi-wunderlist'                              = '覆'
    'nf-mdi-xamarin'                                 = '﵃'
    'nf-mdi-xamarin_outline'                         = '﵄'
    'nf-mdi-xaml'                                    = 'ﭲ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox'                                    = '視'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller'                         = '調'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_battery_alert'           = 'ﱉ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_battery_empty'           = 'ﱊ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_battery_full'            = 'ﱋ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_battery_low'             = 'ﱌ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_battery_medium'          = 'ﱍ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_battery_unknown'         = 'ﱎ'
    'nf-mdi-xbox_controller_off'                     = '諸'
    'nf-mdi-xda'                                     = '請'
    'nf-mdi-xing'                                    = '謁'
    'nf-mdi-xing_box'                                = '諾'
    'nf-mdi-xing_circle'                             = '諭'
    'nf-mdi-xml'                                     = '謹'
    'nf-mdi-xmpp'                                    = 'ﳽ'
    'nf-mdi-yammer'                                  = 'ﲇ'
    'nf-mdi-yeast'                                   = '變'
    'nf-mdi-yelp'                                    = '贈'
    'nf-mdi-yin_yang'                                = 'ﭾ'
    'nf-mdi-youtube_creator_studio'                  = '﵅'
    'nf-mdi-youtube_gaming'                          = '﵆'
    'nf-mdi-youtube_play'                            = '輸'
    'nf-mdi-youtube_tv'                              = '磊'
    'nf-mdi-zip_box'                                 = '遲'
    'nf-oct-alert'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_down'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_left'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_right'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_small_down'                        = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_small_left'                        = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_small_right'                       = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_small_up'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-arrow_up'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-beaker'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-bell'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-bold'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-book'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-bookmark'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-briefcase'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-broadcast'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-browser'                                 = ''
    'nf-oct-bug'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-calendar'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-check'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-checklist'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-chevron_down'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-chevron_left'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-chevron_right'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-chevron_up'                              = ''
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    'nf-oct-circuit_board'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-clippy'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-clock'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-cloud_download'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-cloud_upload'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-code'                                    = ''
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    'nf-oct-comment_discussion'                      = ''
    'nf-oct-credit_card'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-dash'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-dashboard'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-database'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-desktop_download'                        = ''
    'nf-oct-device_camera'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-device_camera_video'                     = ''
    'nf-oct-device_desktop'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-device_mobile'                           = ''
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    'nf-oct-diff_ignored'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-diff_modified'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-diff_removed'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-diff_renamed'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-ellipses'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-ellipsis'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-eye'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-file'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-file_binary'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-file_code'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-file_directory'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-file_media'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-file_pdf'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-file_submodule'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-file_symlink_directory'                  = ''
    'nf-oct-file_symlink_file'                       = ''
    'nf-oct-file_text'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-file_zip'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-flame'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-fold'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-gear'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-gift'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-gist'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-gist_secret'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-git_branch'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-git_commit'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-git_compare'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-git_merge'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-git_pull_request'                        = ''
    'nf-oct-globe'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-grabber'                                 = ''
    'nf-oct-graph'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-heart'                                   = '♥'
    'nf-oct-history'                                 = ''
    'nf-oct-home'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-horizontal_rule'                         = ''
    'nf-oct-hubot'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-inbox'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-info'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-issue_closed'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-issue_opened'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-issue_reopened'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-italic'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-jersey'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-key'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-keyboard'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-law'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-light_bulb'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-link'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-link_external'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-list_ordered'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-list_unordered'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-location'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-lock'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-logo_gist'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-logo_github'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-mail'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-mail_read'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-mail_reply'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-mark_github'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-markdown'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-megaphone'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-mention'                                 = ''
    'nf-oct-milestone'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-mirror'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-mortar_board'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-mute'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-no_newline'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-octoface'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-organization'                            = ''
    'nf-oct-package'                                 = ''
    'nf-oct-paintcan'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-pencil'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-person'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-pin'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-plug'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-plus'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-plus_small'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-primitive_dot'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-primitive_square'                        = ''
    'nf-oct-pulse'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-question'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-quote'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-radio_tower'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-reply'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-repo'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-repo_clone'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-repo_force_push'                         = ''
    'nf-oct-repo_forked'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-repo_pull'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-repo_push'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-rocket'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-rss'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-ruby'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-search'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-server'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-settings'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-shield'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-sign_in'                                 = ''
    'nf-oct-sign_out'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-smiley'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-squirrel'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-star'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-stop'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-sync'                                    = ''
    'nf-oct-tag'                                     = ''
    'nf-oct-tasklist'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-telescope'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-terminal'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-text_size'                               = ''
    'nf-oct-three_bars'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-thumbsdown'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-thumbsup'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-tools'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-trashcan'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-triangle_down'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-triangle_left'                           = ''
    'nf-oct-triangle_right'                          = ''
    'nf-oct-triangle_up'                             = ''
    'nf-oct-unfold'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-unmute'                                  = ''
    'nf-oct-unverified'                              = ''
    'nf-oct-verified'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-versions'                                = ''
    'nf-oct-watch'                                   = ''
    'nf-oct-x'                                       = ''
    'nf-oct-zap'                                     = '⚡'
    'nf-pl-branch'                                   = ''
    'nf-pl-current_line'                             = ''
    'nf-ple-backslash_separator'                     = ''
    'nf-ple-backslash_separator_redundant'           = ''
    'nf-ple-column_number'                           = ''
    'nf-ple-current_column'                          = ''
    'nf-ple-flame_thick'                             = ''
    'nf-ple-flame_thick_mirrored'                    = ''
    'nf-ple-flame_thin'                              = ''
    'nf-ple-flame_thin_mirrored'                     = ''
    'nf-ple-forwardslash_separator'                  = ''
    'nf-ple-forwardslash_separator_redundant'        = ''
    'nf-ple-honeycomb'                               = ''
    'nf-ple-honeycomb_outline'                       = ''
    'nf-ple-ice_waveform'                            = ''
    'nf-ple-ice_waveform_mirrored'                   = ''
    'nf-ple-left_half_circle_thick'                  = ''
    'nf-ple-left_half_circle_thin'                   = ''
    'nf-ple-lego_block_facing'                       = ''
    'nf-ple-lego_block_sideways'                     = ''
    'nf-ple-lego_separator'                          = ''
    'nf-ple-lego_separator_thin'                     = ''
    'nf-ple-lower_left_triangle'                     = ''
    'nf-ple-lower_right_triangle'                    = ''
    'nf-ple-pixelated_squares_big'                   = ''
    'nf-ple-pixelated_squares_big_mirrored'          = ''
    'nf-ple-pixelated_squares_small'                 = ''
    'nf-ple-pixelated_squares_small_mirrored'        = ''
    'nf-ple-right_half_circle_thick'                 = ''
    'nf-ple-right_half_circle_thin'                  = ''
    'nf-ple-trapezoid_top_bottom'                    = ''
    'nf-ple-trapezoid_top_bottom_mirrored'           = ''
    'nf-ple-upper_left_triangle'                     = ''
    'nf-ple-upper_right_triangle'                    = ''
    'nf-pl-hostname'                                 = ''
    'nf-pl-left_hard_divider'                        = ''
    'nf-pl-left_soft_divider'                        = ''
    'nf-pl-line_number'                              = ''
    'nf-pl-readonly'                                 = ''
    'nf-pl-right_hard_divider'                       = ''
    'nf-pl-right_soft_divider'                       = ''
    'nf-pom-away'                                    = ''
    'nf-pom-clean_code'                              = ''
    'nf-pom-external_interruption'                   = ''
    'nf-pom-internal_interruption'                   = ''
    'nf-pom-long_pause'                              = ''
    'nf-pom-pair_programming'                        = ''
    'nf-pom-pomodoro_done'                           = ''
    'nf-pom-pomodoro_estimated'                      = ''
    'nf-pom-pomodoro_squashed'                       = ''
    'nf-pom-pomodoro_ticking'                        = ''
    'nf-pom-short_pause'                             = ''
    'nf-seti-bower'                                  = ''
    'nf-seti-cjsx'                                   = ''
    'nf-seti-coffee'                                 = ''
    'nf-seti-config'                                 = ''
    'nf-seti-css'                                    = ''
    'nf-seti-default'                                = ''
    'nf-seti-ejs'                                    = ''
    'nf-seti-favicon'                                = ''
    'nf-seti-folder'                                 = ''
    'nf-seti-go'                                     = ''
    'nf-seti-grunt'                                  = ''
    'nf-seti-gulp'                                   = ''
    'nf-seti-haskell'                                = ''
    'nf-seti-heroku'                                 = ''
    'nf-seti-home'                                   = ''
    'nf-seti-html'                                   = ''
    'nf-seti-image'                                  = ''
    'nf-seti-javascript'                             = ''
    'nf-seti-json'                                   = ''
    'nf-seti-julia'                                  = ''
    'nf-seti-karma'                                  = ''
    'nf-seti-less'                                   = ''
    'nf-seti-license'                                = ''
    'nf-seti-lua'                                    = ''
    'nf-seti-markdown'                               = ''
    'nf-seti-mustache'                               = ''
    'nf-seti-npm'                                    = ''
    'nf-seti-php'                                    = ''
    'nf-seti-play_arrow'                             = ''
    'nf-seti-project'                                = ''
    'nf-seti-python'                                 = ''
    'nf-seti-rails'                                  = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_alt_third_quarter'              = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waning_gibbous_2'           = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waning_gibbous_3'           = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waning_gibbous_4'           = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waxing_crescent_4'          = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_4'           = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_5'           = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_6'           = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_full'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_new'                            = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_third_quarter'                  = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_waning_crescent_2'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_crescent_3'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_crescent_4'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_crescent_5'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_crescent_6'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_gibbous_1'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_gibbous_2'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_gibbous_3'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_gibbous_4'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_gibbous_5'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waning_gibbous_6'               = ''
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    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_crescent_2'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_crescent_3'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_crescent_4'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_crescent_5'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_crescent_6'              = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_gibbous_1'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_gibbous_2'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_gibbous_3'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_gibbous_4'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_gibbous_5'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moon_waxing_gibbous_6'               = ''
    'nf-weather-moonrise'                            = ''
    'nf-weather-moonset'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-na'                                  = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_cloudy'                    = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_cloudy_gusts'              = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_cloudy_high'               = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_cloudy_windy'              = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_hail'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_lightning'                 = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_partly_cloudy'             = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_rain'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_rain_mix'                  = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_rain_wind'                 = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_sleet'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_sleet_storm'               = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_snow'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_snow_thunderstorm'         = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_snow_wind'                 = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_sprinkle'                  = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_storm_showers'             = ''
    'nf-weather-night_alt_thunderstorm'              = ''
    'nf-weather-night_clear'                         = ''
    'nf-weather-night_cloudy'                        = ''
    'nf-weather-night_cloudy_gusts'                  = ''
    'nf-weather-night_cloudy_high'                   = ''
    'nf-weather-night_cloudy_windy'                  = ''
    'nf-weather-night_fog'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-night_hail'                          = ''
    'nf-weather-night_lightning'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-night_partly_cloudy'                 = ''
    'nf-weather-night_rain'                          = ''
    'nf-weather-night_rain_mix'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-night_rain_wind'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-night_showers'                       = ''
    'nf-weather-night_sleet'                         = ''
    'nf-weather-night_sleet_storm'                   = ''
    'nf-weather-night_snow'                          = ''
    'nf-weather-night_snow_thunderstorm'             = ''
    'nf-weather-night_snow_wind'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-night_sprinkle'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-night_storm_showers'                 = ''
    'nf-weather-night_thunderstorm'                  = ''
    'nf-weather-rain'                                = ''
    'nf-weather-rain_mix'                            = ''
    'nf-weather-rain_wind'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-raindrop'                            = ''
    'nf-weather-raindrops'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-refresh'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-refresh_alt'                         = ''
    'nf-weather-sandstorm'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-showers'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-sleet'                               = ''
    'nf-weather-small_craft_advisory'                = ''
    'nf-weather-smog'                                = ''
    'nf-weather-smoke'                               = ''
    'nf-weather-snow'                                = ''
    'nf-weather-snow_wind'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-snowflake_cold'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-solar_eclipse'                       = ''
    'nf-weather-sprinkle'                            = ''
    'nf-weather-stars'                               = ''
    'nf-weather-storm_showers'                       = ''
    'nf-weather-storm_warning'                       = ''
    'nf-weather-strong_wind'                         = ''
    'nf-weather-sunrise'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-sunset'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-thermometer'                         = ''
    'nf-weather-thermometer_exterior'                = ''
    'nf-weather-thermometer_internal'                = ''
    'nf-weather-thunderstorm'                        = ''
    'nf-weather-time_1'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_10'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-time_11'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-time_12'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-time_2'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_3'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_4'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_5'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_6'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_7'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_8'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-time_9'                              = ''
    'nf-weather-tornado'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-train'                               = ''
    'nf-weather-tsunami'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-umbrella'                            = ''
    'nf-weather-volcano'                             = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_0'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_1'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_10'                    = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_11'                    = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_12'                    = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_2'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_3'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_4'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_5'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_6'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_7'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_8'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_beaufort_9'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_direction'                      = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_east'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_north'                          = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_north_east'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_north_west'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_south'                          = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_south_east'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_south_west'                     = ''
    'nf-weather-wind_west'                           = ''
    'nf-weather-windy'                               = ''
    Name  = 'devblackops'
    Types = @{
        Directories = @{
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                songs                   = 'nf-mdi-library_music'
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                src                     = 'nf-oct-terminal'
                development             = 'nf-oct-terminal'
                projects                = 'nf-seti-project'
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                '.vscode-insiders'      = 'nf-custom-folder_config'
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                '.kube'                 = 'nf-mdi-ship_wheel'
                '.docker'               = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'umbraco'               = 'nf-mdi-umbraco'

        Files       = @{
            # Default file icon
            ''        = 'nf-fa-file'
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                'CHANGELOG'                     = 'nf-fae-checklist_o'
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                '.jshintignore'                 = 'nf-fa-gear'
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                'bitbucket-pipelines.yaml'      = 'nf-dev-bitbucket'
                '.azure-pipelines.yml'          = 'nf-mdi-azure'

                # Firebase
                'firebase.json'                 = 'nf-dev-firebase'
                '.firebaserc'                   = 'nf-dev-firebase'

                # Bower
                '.bowerrc'                      = 'nf-dev-bower'
                'bower.json'                    = 'nf-dev-bower'

                # Conduct
                'code_of_conduct.md'            = 'nf-fa-handshake_o'
                'code_of_conduct.txt'           = 'nf-fa-handshake_o'

                # Docker
                'Dockerfile'                    = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.yml'            = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.yaml'           = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.dev.yml'        = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.local.yml'      = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.ci.yml'         = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.override.yml'   = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.staging.yml'    = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.prod.yml'       = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.production.yml' = 'nf-dev-docker'
                'docker-compose.test.yml'       = 'nf-dev-docker'

                # Vue
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                'vue.config.ts'                 = 'nf-mdi-vuejs'

                # Gulp
                'gulpfile.js'                   = 'nf-dev-gulp'
                'gulpfile.ts'                   = 'nf-dev-gulp'
                'gulpfile.babel.js'             = 'nf-dev-gulp'

                # Javascript
                'gruntfile.js'                  = 'nf-seti-grunt'

                # NodeJS
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                'package-lock.json'             = 'nf-dev-nodejs_small'
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                '.esmrc'                        = 'nf-dev-nodejs_small'

                # NPM
                '.nmpignore'                    = 'nf-dev-npm'
                '.npmrc'                        = 'nf-dev-npm'

                # Authors
                'authors'                       = 'nf-oct-person'
                'authors.md'                    = 'nf-oct-person'
                'authors.txt'                   = 'nf-oct-person'

                # Terraform
                '.terraform.lock.hcl'           = 'nf-fa-lock'

                # Gradle
                'gradlew'                       = 'nf-mdi-elephant'

            # Archive files
            '.7z'                   = 'nf-oct-file_zip'
            '.bz'                   = 'nf-oct-file_zip'
            '.tar'                  = 'nf-oct-file_zip'
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            '.rar'                  = 'nf-oct-file_zip'
            '.tgz'                  = 'nf-oct-file_zip'

            # Executable things
            '.bat'                  = 'nf-custom-msdos'
            '.cmd'                  = 'nf-custom-msdos'
            '.exe'                  = 'nf-mdi-application'
            '.pl'                   = 'nf-dev-perl'

            '.sh'                   = 'nf-oct-terminal'

            # App Packages
            '.msi'                  = 'nf-mdi-package_variant'
            '.msix'                 = 'nf-mdi-package_variant'
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            '.appx'                 = 'nf-mdi-package_variant'
            '.AppxBundle'           = 'nf-mdi-package_variant'
            '.deb'                  = 'nf-mdi-package_variant'
            '.rpm'                  = 'nf-mdi-package_variant'

            # PowerShell
            '.ps1'                  = 'nf-mdi-console_line'
            '.psm1'                 = 'nf-mdi-console_line'
            '.psd1'                 = 'nf-mdi-console_line'
            '.ps1xml'               = 'nf-mdi-console_line'
            '.psc1'                 = 'nf-mdi-console_line'
            '.pssc'                 = 'nf-mdi-console_line'

            # Javascript
            '.js'                   = 'nf-dev-javascript'
            '.esx'                  = 'nf-dev-javascript'
            '.mjs'                  = 'nf-dev-javascript'

            # Java
            '.java'                 = 'nf-fae-java'
            '.jar'                  = 'nf-fae-java'

            '.gradle'               = 'nf-mdi-elephant'

            # Python
            '.py'                   = 'nf-dev-python'
            '.ipynb'                = 'nf-mdi-notebook'

            # React
            '.jsx'                  = 'nf-dev-react'
            '.tsx'                  = 'nf-dev-react'

            # Typescript
            '.ts'                   = 'nf-seti-typescript'

            # Not-executable code files
            '.dll'                  = 'nf-fa-archive'

            # Importable Data files
            '.clixml'               = 'nf-dev-code_badge'
            '.csv'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_excel'
            '.tsv'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_excel'

            # Settings
            '.ini'                  = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.dlc'                  = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.config'               = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.conf'                 = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.properties'           = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.prop'                 = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.settings'             = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.option'               = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.reg'                  = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.props'                = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.toml'                 = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.prefs'                = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.sln.dotsettings'      = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.sln.dotsettings.user' = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.cfg'                  = 'nf-fa-gear'

            # Source Files
            '.c'                    = 'nf-mdi-language_c'
            '.cpp'                  = 'nf-mdi-language_cpp'
            '.go'                   = 'nf-dev-go'
            '.php'                  = 'nf-dev-php'

            # Visual Studio
            '.csproj'               = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.ruleset'              = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.sln'                  = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.slnf'                 = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.suo'                  = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.vb'                   = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.vbs'                  = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.vcxitems'             = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.vcxitems.filters'     = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.vcxproj'              = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'
            '.vsxproj.filters'      = 'nf-dev-visualstudio'

            # CSharp
            '.cs'                   = 'nf-mdi-language_csharp'
            '.csx'                  = 'nf-mdi-language_csharp'

            # Haskell
            '.hs'                   = 'nf-dev-haskell'

            # XAML
            '.xaml'                 = 'nf-mdi-xaml'

            # Rust
            '.rs'                   = 'nf-dev-rust'

            # Database
            '.pdb'                  = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.sql'                  = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.pks'                  = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.pkb'                  = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.accdb'                = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.mdb'                  = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.sqlite'               = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.pgsql'                = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.postgres'             = 'nf-dev-database'
            '.psql'                 = 'nf-dev-database'

            # Source Control
            '.patch'                = 'nf-dev-git'

            # Project files
            '.user'                 = 'nf-mdi-visualstudio'
            '.code-workspace'       = 'nf-mdi-visualstudio'

            # Text data files
            '.log'                  = 'nf-fa-list'
            '.txt'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_document'

            # Subtitle files
            '.srt'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_document'
            '.lrc'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_document'
            '.ass'                  = 'nf-fa-eye'

            # HTML/css
            '.html'                 = 'nf-seti-html'
            '.htm'                  = 'nf-seti-html'
            '.xhtml'                = 'nf-seti-html'
            '.html_vm'              = 'nf-seti-html'
            '.asp'                  = 'nf-seti-html'
            '.css'                  = 'nf-dev-css3'
            '.sass'                 = 'nf-dev-sass'
            '.scss'                 = 'nf-dev-sass'
            '.less'                 = 'nf-dev-less'

            # Markdown
            '.md'                   = 'nf-dev-markdown'
            '.markdown'             = 'nf-dev-markdown'
            '.rst'                  = 'nf-dev-markdown'

            # Handlebars
            '.hbs'                  = 'nf-seti-mustache'

            # JSON
            '.json'                 = 'nf-seti-json'
            '.tsbuildinfo'          = 'nf-seti-json'

            # YAML
            '.yml'                  = 'nf-mdi-format_align_left'
            '.yaml'                 = 'nf-mdi-format_align_left'

            # LUA
            '.lua'                  = 'nf-seti-lua'

            # Clojure
            '.clj'                  = 'nf-dev-clojure'
            '.cljs'                 = 'nf-dev-clojure'
            '.cljc'                 = 'nf-dev-clojure'

            # Groovy
            '.groovy'               = 'nf-dev-groovy'

            # Vue
            '.vue'                  = 'nf-mdi-vuejs'

            # Dart
            '.dart'                 = 'nf-dev-dart'

            # Elixir
            '.ex'                   = 'nf-custom-elixir'
            '.exs'                  = 'nf-custom-elixir'
            '.eex'                  = 'nf-custom-elixir'
            '.leex'                 = 'nf-custom-elixir'

            # Erlang
            '.erl'                  = 'nf-dev-erlang'

            # Elm
            '.elm'                  = 'nf-custom-elm'

            # Applescript
            '.applescript'          = 'nf-dev-apple'

            # XML
            '.xml'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.plist'                = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.xsd'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.dtd'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.xsl'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.xslt'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.resx'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.iml'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.xquery'               = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.tmLanguage'           = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.manifest'             = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'
            '.project'              = 'nf-mdi-file_xml'

            # Documents
            '.chm'                  = 'nf-mdi-help_box'
            '.pdf'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_pdf'

            # Excel
            '.xls'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_excel'
            '.xlsx'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_excel'

            # PowerPoint
            '.pptx'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.ppt'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.pptm'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.potx'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.potm'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.ppsx'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.ppsm'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.pps'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.ppam'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'
            '.ppa'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_powerpoint'

            # Word
            '.doc'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_word'
            '.docx'                 = 'nf-mdi-file_word'
            '.rtf'                  = 'nf-mdi-file_word'

            # Audio
            '.mp3'                  = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.flac'                 = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.m4a'                  = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.wma'                  = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.aiff'                 = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.wav'                  = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.aac'                  = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'
            '.opus'                 = 'nf-fa-file_audio_o'

            # Images
            '.png'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.jpeg'                 = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.jpg'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.gif'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.ico'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.tiff'                 = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.psb'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.apx'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.bpg'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.brk'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.cur'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.dds'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.exr'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.jb2'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
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            '.pbm'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.pgf'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.pic'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.raw'                  = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.webp'                 = 'nf-fa-file_image_o'
            '.svg'                  = 'nf-mdi-svg'

            # Video
            '.webm'                 = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mkv'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.flv'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.vob'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.ogv'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.ogg'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.gifv'                 = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.avi'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mov'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.qt'                   = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.wmv'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.yuv'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.rm'                   = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.rmvb'                 = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mp4'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mpg'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mp2'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mpeg'                 = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mpe'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.mpv'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'
            '.m2v'                  = 'nf-fa-file_video_o'

            # Email
            '.ics'                  = 'nf-fa-calendar'

            # Certificates
            '.cer'                  = 'nf-fa-certificate'
            '.cert'                 = 'nf-fa-certificate'
            '.crt'                  = 'nf-fa-certificate'
            '.pfx'                  = 'nf-fa-certificate'

            # Keys
            '.pem'                  = 'nf-fa-key'
            '.pub'                  = 'nf-fa-key'
            '.key'                  = 'nf-fa-key'
            '.asc'                  = 'nf-fa-key'
            '.gpg'                  = 'nf-fa-key'

            # Fonts
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            '.woff2'                = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.ttf'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.eot'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.suit'                 = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.otf'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.bmap'                 = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.fnt'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.odttf'                = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.ttc'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.font'                 = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.fonts'                = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.sui'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.ntf'                  = 'nf-fa-font'
            '.mrg'                  = 'nf-fa-font'

            # Ruby
            '.rb'                   = 'nf-oct-ruby'
            '.erb'                  = 'nf-oct-ruby'
            '.gemfile'              = 'nf-oct-ruby'
            'rakefile'              = 'nf-oct-ruby'

            # FSharp
            '.fs'                   = 'nf-dev-fsharp'
            '.fsx'                  = 'nf-dev-fsharp'
            '.fsi'                  = 'nf-dev-fsharp'
            '.fsproj'               = 'nf-dev-fsharp'

            # Docker
            '.dockerignore'         = 'nf-dev-docker'
            '.dockerfile'           = 'nf-dev-docker'

            # VSCode
            '.vscodeignore'         = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.vsixmanifest'         = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.vsix'                 = 'nf-fa-gear'
            '.code-workplace'       = 'nf-fa-gear'

            # Sublime
            '.sublime-project'      = 'nf-dev-sublime'
            '.sublime-workspace'    = 'nf-dev-sublime'

            '.lock'                 = 'nf-fa-lock'

            # Terraform
            '.tf'                   = 'nf-dev-code_badge'
            '.tfvars'               = 'nf-dev-code_badge'
            '.tf.json'              = 'nf-dev-code_badge'
            '.tfvars.json'          = 'nf-dev-code_badge'
            '.auto.tfvars'          = 'nf-dev-code_badge'
            '.auto.tfvars.json'     = 'nf-dev-code_badge'

            # Disk Image
            '.vmdk'                 = 'nf-mdi-harddisk'
            '.vhd'                  = 'nf-mdi-harddisk'
            '.vhdx'                 = 'nf-mdi-harddisk'
            '.img'                  = 'nf-fae-disco'
            '.iso'                  = 'nf-fae-disco'

            # R language
            '.R'                    = 'nf-mdi-language_r'
            '.Rmd'                  = 'nf-mdi-language_r'
            '.Rproj'                = 'nf-mdi-language_r'

            # Julia language
            '.jl'                   = 'nf-seti-julia'

            # Vim
            '.vim'                  = 'nf-custom-vim'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<helpItems schema="maml" xmlns="http://msh">
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Add a Terminal-Icons color theme for the current user.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Add a Terminal-Icons color theme for the current user. The theme data is stored in the user's profile</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="true" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The path to the Terminal-Icons color theme file.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Overwrite the color theme if it already exists in the profile.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName)" position="1" aliases="PSPath">
            <maml:para>The literal path to the Terminal-Icons color theme file.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Overwrite the color theme if it already exists in the profile.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="true" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The path to the Terminal-Icons color theme file.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName)" position="1" aliases="PSPath">
          <maml:para>The literal path to the Terminal-Icons color theme file.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Overwrite the color theme if it already exists in the profile.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
          <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
          <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>You can pipe a string that contains a path to 'Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme'.</maml:name>
        <maml:para>'Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme' will not overwrite an existing theme by default. Add the -Force switch to overwrite.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Add-Terminal-IconsColorTHeme -Path ./my_color_theme.psd1</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add the color theme contained in ./my_color_theme.psd1.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Get-ChildItem ./path/to/colorthemes | Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme -Force</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add all color themes contained in the folder ./path/to/colorthemes and add them, overwriting existing ones if needed.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Add a Terminal-Icons icon theme for the current user.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Add a Terminal-Icons icon theme for the current user. The theme data is stored in the user's profile</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="true" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The path to the Terminal-Icons icon theme file.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Overwrite the icon theme if it already exists in the profile.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName)" position="1" aliases="PSPath">
            <maml:para>The literal path to the Terminal-Icons icon theme file.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Overwrite the icon theme if it already exists in the profile.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="true" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The path to the Terminal-Icons icon theme file.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName)" position="1" aliases="PSPath">
          <maml:para>The literal path to the Terminal-Icons icon theme file.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Overwrite the icon theme if it already exists in the profile.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
          <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
          <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>You can pipe a string that contains a path to 'Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme'.</maml:name>
        <maml:para>'Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme' will not overwrite an existing theme by default. Add the -Force switch to overwrite.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Add-Terminal-IconsIconTHeme -Path ./my_icon_theme.psd1</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add the icon theme contained in ./my_icon_theme.psd1.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Get-ChildItem ./path/to/iconthemes | Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme -Force</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add all icon themes contained in the folder ./path/to/iconthemes and add them, overwriting existing ones if needed.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Prepend a custom icon (with color) to the provided file or folder object when displayed.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Take the provided file or folder object and look up the appropriate icon and color to display.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The file or folder to display</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">FileSystemInfo</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The file or folder to display</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">FileSystemInfo</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>You can pipe an objects that derive from System.IO.FileSystemInfo (System.IO.DIrectoryInfo and System.IO.FileInfo) to 'Format-TerminalIcons'.</maml:name>
          <maml:name>Outputs a colorized string with an icon prepended.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
          <maml:para>List a directory. Terminal-Icons will be invoked automatically for display.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Get-Item ./README.md | Format-TerminalIcons</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Get a file object and pass directly to Format-TerminalIcons.</maml:para>
    <command:relatedLinks />
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>List the available color themes.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>List the available color themes.</maml:para>
    <command:parameters />
          <maml:name>An array of hashtables representing available color themes.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
          <maml:para>Get the list of available color themes.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Gets the list of glyphs known to Terminal-Icons.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Gets a hashtable with the available glyph names and icons. Useful in creating a custom theme.</maml:para>
    <command:parameters />
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
          <maml:para>Gets the table of glyph names and icons.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>List the available icon themes.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>List the available icon themes.</maml:para>
    <command:parameters />
          <maml:name>An array of hashtables representing available icon themes.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
          <maml:para>Get the list of available icon themes.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Get the currently applied color and icon theme.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Get the currently applied color and icon theme.</maml:para>
    <command:parameters />
          <maml:name>An object representing the currently applied color and icon theme.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
          <maml:para>Get the currently applied Terminal-Icons color and icon theme.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Removes a color or icon theme</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Removes a given icon or color theme. In order to be removed, a theme must not be active.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="1" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The icon theme to remove.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="2" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The color theme to remove.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="1" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The icon theme to remove.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="2" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The color theme to remove.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
          <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
          <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>The name of the color or icon theme to remove.</maml:name>
        <maml:para>A theme must not be active in order to be removed.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Remove-TerminalIconsTheme -IconTheme MyAwesomeTheme</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Removes the icon theme 'MyAwesomeTheme'</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Remove-TerminalIconsTheme -ColorTheme MyAwesomeTheme</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Removes the color theme 'MyAwesomeTheme'</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Set the Terminal-Icons color theme.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Set the Terminal-Icons color theme to a registered theme.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of a registered color theme.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The name of a registered color theme.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>The name of a registered color theme.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Set-TerminalIconsColorTheme -Name devblackops</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Set the color theme to 'devblackops'.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Set a specific icon in the current Terminal-Icons icon theme or allows swapping one glyph for another.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Set the Terminal-Icons icon for a specific file/directory or glyph to a named glyph.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Also allows all uses of a specific glyph to be replaced with a different glyph.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The well-known directory name to match for the icon.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of the glyph to use; or, when swapping glyphs, the name of the glyph you want to change.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The well-known file name to match for the icon.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of the glyph to use; or, when swapping glyphs, the name of the glyph you want to change.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The file extension to match for the icon.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of the glyph to use; or, when swapping glyphs, the name of the glyph you want to change.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of the new glyph to use when swapping.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of the glyph to use; or, when swapping glyphs, the name of the glyph you want to change.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The well-known directory name to match for the icon.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The well-known file name to match for the icon.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The file extension to match for the icon.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The name of the new glyph to use when swapping.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The name of the glyph to use; or, when swapping glyphs, the name of the glyph you want to change.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
          <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
          <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>The command does not accept pipeline input.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Set-TerminalIconsIcon -FileName "README.md" -Glyph "nf-fa-file_text"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Set README.md files to display a text file icon.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Set-TerminalIconsIcon -FileExtension ".xml" -Glyph "nf-mdi-file_xml"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Set XML files to display an XML file icon.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Set-TerminalIconsIcon -Directory ".github" -Glyph "nf-mdi-github_face"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Set directories named ".github" to display an Octocat face icon.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Set-TerminalIconsIcon -Glyph "nf-mdi-xml" -NewGlyph "nf-mdi-file_xml"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Changes all uses of the "nf-mdi-xml" double-wide glyph to be the "nf-mdi-file_xml" single-width XML file glyph.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>Set the Terminal-Icons icon theme.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Set the Terminal-Icons icon theme to a registered theme.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>The name of a registered icon theme.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)" position="1" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>The name of a registered icon theme.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>The name of a registered icon theme.</maml:name>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Set-TerminalIconsIconTheme -Name devblackops</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Set the icon theme to 'devblackops'.</maml:para>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>{{ Fill in the Synopsis }}</maml:para>
      <maml:para>{{ Fill in the Description }}</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>{{ Fill IconTheme Description }}</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>{{ Fill ColorTheme Description }}</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Disables custom colors and uses default terminal color.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Disables custom icons and shows only shows the directory or file name.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
            <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
            <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
            <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
            <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>{{ Fill IconTheme Description }}</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>{{ Fill ColorTheme Description }}</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Disables custom colors and uses default terminal color.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Disables custom icons and shows only shows the directory or file name.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="none">
          <maml:para>Bypass confirmation messages.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="wi">
          <maml:para>Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="False" position="named" aliases="cf">
          <maml:para>Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt; {{ Add example code here }}</dev:code>
          <maml:para>{{ Add example description here }}</maml:para>
    <command:relatedLinks />
  <command:command xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10" xmlns:command="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10" xmlns:dev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10" xmlns:MSHelp="http://msdn.microsoft.com/mshelp">
        <maml:para>List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes. The directory/file objects show are in memory only, they are not written to the filesystem.</maml:para>
    <command:parameters />
        <maml:para>Example directory and file objects only exist in memory. They are not written to the filesystem.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------</maml:title>
          <maml:para>List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes.</maml:para>
<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <S N="Name">Terminal-Icons</S>
      <S N="Version">0.10.0</S>
      <S N="Type">Module</S>
      <S N="Description">PowerShell module to add file icons to terminal based on file extension</S>
      <S N="Author">Brandon Olin</S>
      <S N="CompanyName">devblackops</S>
      <S N="Copyright">(c) Brandon Olin. All rights reserved.</S>
      <DT N="PublishedDate">2022-07-07T06:46:53+00:00</DT>
      <Nil N="InstalledDate" />
      <Nil N="UpdatedDate" />
      <URI N="LicenseUri">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/master/LICENSE</URI>
      <URI N="ProjectUri">https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons</URI>
      <URI N="IconUri">https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/raw/master/media/icon_256.png</URI>
      <Obj N="Tags" RefId="1">
        <TN RefId="1">
      <Obj N="Includes" RefId="2">
        <TN RefId="2">
            <S N="Key">Function</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="3">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
            <S N="Key">RoleCapability</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="4">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
              <LST />
            <S N="Key">Command</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="5">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
            <S N="Key">DscResource</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="6">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
              <LST />
            <S N="Key">Workflow</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="7">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
              <LST />
            <S N="Key">Cmdlet</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="8">
              <TNRef RefId="1" />
              <LST />
      <Nil N="PowerShellGetFormatVersion" />
      <S N="ReleaseNotes">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/master/CHANGELOG.md</S>
      <Obj N="Dependencies" RefId="9">
        <TNRef RefId="1" />
        <LST />
      <S N="RepositorySourceLocation">https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2</S>
      <S N="Repository">PSGallery</S>
      <S N="PackageManagementProvider">NuGet</S>
      <Obj N="AdditionalMetadata" RefId="10">
        <TN RefId="3">
          <S N="copyright">(c) Brandon Olin. All rights reserved.</S>
          <S N="description">PowerShell module to add file icons to terminal based on file extension</S>
          <S N="requireLicenseAcceptance">False</S>
          <S N="releaseNotes">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/master/CHANGELOG.md</S>
          <S N="isLatestVersion">True</S>
          <S N="isAbsoluteLatestVersion">True</S>
          <S N="versionDownloadCount">134</S>
          <S N="downloadCount">120131</S>
          <S N="packageSize">60523</S>
          <S N="published">7/7/2022 6:46:53 AM +00:00</S>
          <S N="created">7/7/2022 6:46:53 AM +00:00</S>
          <S N="lastUpdated">7/7/2022 12:00:01 PM +00:00</S>
          <S N="tags">Color Terminal Console NerdFonts Icon PSModule PSFunction_Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme PSCommand_Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme PSFunction_Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme PSCommand_Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme PSFunction_Format-TerminalIcons PSCommand_Format-TerminalIcons PSFunction_Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme PSCommand_Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme PSFunction_Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs PSCommand_Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs PSFunction_Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme PSCommand_Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme PSFunction_Get-TerminalIconsTheme PSCommand_Get-TerminalIconsTheme PSFunction_Remove-TerminalIconsTheme PSCommand_Remove-TerminalIconsTheme PSFunction_Set-TerminalIconsIcon PSCommand_Set-TerminalIconsIcon PSFunction_Set-TerminalIconsTheme PSCommand_Set-TerminalIconsTheme PSFunction_Show-TerminalIconsTheme PSCommand_Show-TerminalIconsTheme PSIncludes_Function</S>
          <S N="developmentDependency">False</S>
          <S N="updated">2022-07-07T12:00:01Z</S>
          <S N="NormalizedVersion">0.10.0</S>
          <S N="Authors">Brandon Olin</S>
          <S N="IsPrerelease">false</S>
          <S N="ItemType">Module</S>
          <S N="FileList">Terminal-Icons.nuspec|Data\glyphs.ps1|Data\iconThemes\devblackops.psd1|Terminal-Icons.format.ps1xml|Data\colorThemes\devblackops_light.psd1|Terminal-Icons.psm1|Data\colorThemes\devblackops.psd1|Terminal-Icons.psd1|en-US\Terminal-Icons-help.xml</S>
          <S N="GUID">4419ddb6-3528-47cd-baf3-7fb9d8566620</S>
          <S N="PowerShellVersion">5.1</S>
          <S N="CompanyName">Community</S>
      <S N="InstalledLocation">C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\011f5694-898b-4913-a101-575cae4aab66\Terminal-Icons\0.10.0</S>
    RootModule        = 'Terminal-Icons.psm1'
    ModuleVersion     = '0.10.0'
    GUID              = '4419ddb6-3528-47cd-baf3-7fb9d8566620'
    Author            = 'Brandon Olin'
    CompanyName       = 'Community'
    Copyright         = '(c) Brandon Olin. All rights reserved.'
    Description       = 'PowerShell module to add file icons to terminal based on file extension'
    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
    # PowerShellHostName = ''
    # PowerShellHostVersion = ''
    RequiredModules = @()
    FunctionsToExport = @('Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme','Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme','Format-TerminalIcons','Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme','Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs','Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme','Get-TerminalIconsTheme','Remove-TerminalIconsTheme','Set-TerminalIconsIcon','Set-TerminalIconsTheme','Show-TerminalIconsTheme')
    CmdletsToExport   = @()
    VariablesToExport = @()
    AliasesToExport   = @()
    PrivateData       = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags         = @('Color', 'Terminal', 'Console', 'NerdFonts', 'Icon')
            LicenseUri   = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/master/LICENSE'
            ProjectUri   = 'https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons'
            IconUri      = 'https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/raw/master/media/icon_256.png'
            ReleaseNotes = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/master/CHANGELOG.md'

using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel
function Add-Theme {
    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path', SupportsShouldProcess)]
            ParameterSetName  = 'Path',
            Position = 0,

            ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath',
            Position = 0,


        [ValidateSet('Color', 'Icon')]

    process {
        # Resolve path(s)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') {
            $paths = Resolve-Path -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
        } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LiteralPath') {
            $paths = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $LiteralPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path

        foreach ($resolvedPath in $paths) {
            if (Test-Path $resolvedPath) {
                $item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $resolvedPath

                $statusMsg  = "Adding $($type.ToLower()) theme [$($item.BaseName)]"
                $confirmMsg = "Are you sure you want to add file [$resolvedPath]?"
                $operation  = "Add $($Type.ToLower())"
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($statusMsg, $confirmMsg, $operation) -or $Force.IsPresent) {
                    if (-not $script:userThemeData.Themes.$Type.ContainsKey($item.BaseName) -or $Force.IsPresent) {

                        $theme = Import-PowerShellDataFile $item.FullName

                        # Convert color theme into escape sequences for lookup later
                        if ($Type -eq 'Color') {
                            # Add empty color theme
                            if (-not $script:colorSequences.ContainsKey($theme.Name)) {
                                $script:colorSequences[$theme.Name] = New-EmptyColorTheme

                            # Directories
                                $script:colorSequences[$theme.Name].Types.Directories[$_.Name] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $_.Value
                            # Wellknown files
                                $script:colorSequences[$theme.Name].Types.Files.WellKnown[$_.Name] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $_.Value
                            # File extensions
                            $theme.Types.Files.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Name -ne 'WellKnown'}).ForEach({
                                $script:colorSequences[$theme.Name].Types.Files[$_.Name] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $_.Value

                        $script:userThemeData.Themes.$Type[$theme.Name] = $theme
                        Save-Theme -Theme $theme -Type $Type
                    } else {
                        Write-Error "$Type theme [$($theme.Name)] already exists. Use the -Force switch to overwrite."
            } else {
                Write-Error "Path [$resolvedPath] is not valid."
function ConvertFrom-ColorEscapeSequence {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        # Example input sequence: 'e[38;2;135;206;250m'
        $arr = $Sequence.Split(';')
        $r   = '{0:x}' -f [int]$arr[2]
        $g   = '{0:x}' -f [int]$arr[3]
        $b   = '{0:x}' -f [int]$arr[4].TrimEnd('m')

        ($r + $g + $b).ToUpper()
function ConvertFrom-RGBColor {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        $RGB = $RGB.Replace('#', '')
        $r   = [convert]::ToInt32($RGB.SubString(0,2), 16)
        $g   = [convert]::ToInt32($RGB.SubString(2,2), 16)
        $b   = [convert]::ToInt32($RGB.SubString(4,2), 16)

function ConvertTo-ColorSequence {
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        $cs      = New-EmptyColorTheme
        $cs.Name = $ColorData.Name

        # Directories
        if ($ColorData.Types.Directories['symlink']) {
            $cs.Types.Directories['symlink']  = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $ColorData.Types.Directories['symlink']
        if ($ColorData.Types.Directories['junction']) {
            $cs.Types.Directories['junction'] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $ColorData.Types.Directories['junction']
            $cs.Types.Directories[$_.Name] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $_.Value

        # Wellknown files
        if ($ColorData.Types.Files['symlink']) {
            $cs.Types.Files['symlink']  = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $ColorData.Types.Files['symlink']
        if ($ColorData.Types.Files['junction']) {
            $cs.Types.Files['junction'] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $ColorData.Types.Files['junction']
            $cs.Types.Files.WellKnown[$_.Name] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $_.Value

        # File extensions
        $ColorData.Types.Files.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Name -ne 'WellKnown' -and $_.Name -ne ''}).ForEach({
            $cs.Types.Files[$_.Name] = ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB $_.Value

function Get-ThemeStoragePath {

    if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOs) {
        if (-not ($basePath = $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME)) {
            $basePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($HOME, '.local', 'share')
    } else {
        if (-not ($basePath = $env:APPDATA)) {
            $basePath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData')

    if ($basePath) {
        $storagePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($basePath, 'powershell', 'Community', 'Terminal-Icons')
        if (-not (Test-Path $storagePath)) {
            New-Item -Path $storagePath -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
function Import-ColorTheme {

    $hash = @{}
    (Get-ChildItem -Path $moduleRoot/Data/colorThemes).ForEach({
        $colorData = Import-PowerShellDataFile $_.FullName
        $hash[$colorData.Name] = $colorData
        $hash[$colorData.Name].Types.Directories[''] = $colorReset
        $hash[$colorData.Name].Types.Files['']       = $colorReset
function Import-IconTheme {

    $hash = @{}
    (Get-ChildItem -Path $moduleRoot/Data/iconThemes).ForEach({
        $hash.Add($_.Basename, (Import-PowerShellDataFile $_.FullName))
function Import-Preferences {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
        [string]$Path = (Join-Path (Get-ThemeStoragePath) 'prefs.xml'),

        [string]$DefaultThemeName = $script:defaultTheme

    begin {
        $defaultPrefs = @{
            CurrentColorTheme = $DefaultThemeName
            CurrentIconTheme  = $DefaultThemeName

    process {
        if (Test-Path $Path) {
            try {
                Import-Clixml -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                Write-Warning "Unable to parse [$Path]. Setting default preferences."
        } else {
function New-EmptyColorTheme {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

        Name = ''
        Types = @{
            Directories = @{
                #''        = "`e[0m"
                symlink  = ''
                junction = ''
                WellKnown = @{}
            Files = @{
                #''        = "`e[0m"
                symlink  = ''
                junction = ''
                WellKnown = @{}
function Resolve-Icon {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        [string]$IconTheme = $script:userThemeData.CurrentIconTheme,

        [string]$ColorTheme = $script:userThemeData.CurrentColorTheme

    begin {
        $icons  = $script:userThemeData.Themes.Icon[$IconTheme]
        $colors = $script:colorSequences[$ColorTheme]

    process {
        $displayInfo = @{
            Icon     = $null
            Color    = $null
            Target   = ''

        if ($FileInfo.PSIsContainer) {
            $type = 'Directories'
        } else {
            $type = 'Files'

        switch ($FileInfo.LinkType) {
            # Determine symlink or junction icon and color
            'Junction' {
                if ($icons) {
                    $iconName = $icons.Types.($type)['junction']
                } else {
                    $iconName = $null
                if ($colors) {
                    $colorSeq = $colors.Types.($type)['junction']
                } else {
                    $colorSet = $script:colorReset
                $displayInfo['Target'] = ' ' + $glyphs['nf-mdi-arrow_right_thick'] + ' ' + $FileInfo.Target
            'SymbolicLink' {
                if ($icons) {
                    $iconName = $icons.Types.($type)['symlink']
                } else {
                    $iconName = $null
                if ($colors) {
                    $colorSeq = $colors.Types.($type)['symlink']
                } else {
                    $colorSet = $script:colorReset
                $displayInfo['Target'] = ' ' + $glyphs['nf-mdi-arrow_right_thick'] + ' ' + $FileInfo.Target
            } default {
                if ($icons) {
                    # Determine normal directory icon and color
                    $iconName = $icons.Types.$type.WellKnown[$FileInfo.Name]
                    if (-not $iconName) {
                        if ($FileInfo.PSIsContainer) {
                            $iconName = $icons.Types.$type[$FileInfo.Name]
                        } elseif ($icons.Types.$type.ContainsKey($FileInfo.Extension)) {
                            $iconName = $icons.Types.$type[$FileInfo.Extension]
                        } else {
                            # File probably has multiple extensions
                            # Fallback to computing the full extension
                            $firstDot = $FileInfo.Name.IndexOf('.')
                            if ($firstDot -ne -1) {
                                $fullExtension = $FileInfo.Name.Substring($firstDot)
                                $iconName = $icons.Types.$type[$fullExtension]
                        if (-not $iconName) {
                            $iconName = $icons.Types.$type['']

                        # Fallback if everything has gone horribly wrong
                        if (-not $iconName) {
                            if ($FileInfo.PSIsContainer) {
                                $iconName = 'nf-oct-file_directory'
                            } else {
                                $iconName = 'nf-fa-file'
                } else {
                    $iconName = $null
                if ($colors) {
                    $colorSeq = $colors.Types.$type.WellKnown[$FileInfo.Name]
                    if (-not $colorSeq) {
                        if ($FileInfo.PSIsContainer) {
                            $colorSeq = $colors.Types.$type[$FileInfo.Name]
                        } elseif ($colors.Types.$type.ContainsKey($FileInfo.Extension)) {
                            $colorSeq = $colors.Types.$type[$FileInfo.Extension]
                        } else {
                            # File probably has multiple extensions
                            # Fallback to computing the full extension
                            $firstDot = $FileInfo.Name.IndexOf('.')
                            if ($firstDot -ne -1) {
                                $fullExtension = $FileInfo.Name.Substring($firstDot)
                                $colorSeq = $colors.Types.$type[$fullExtension]
                        if (-not $colorSeq) {
                            $colorSeq = $colors.Types.$type['']

                        # Fallback if everything has gone horribly wrong
                        if (-not $colorSeq) {
                            $colorSeq = $script:colorReset
                } else {
                    $colorSeq = $script:colorReset
        if ($iconName) {
            $displayInfo['Icon'] = $glyphs[$iconName]
        } else {
            $displayInfo['Icon'] = $null
        $displayInfo['Color'] = $colorSeq
function Save-Preferences {
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        [string]$Path = (Join-Path (Get-ThemeStoragePath) 'prefs.xml')

    process {
        Write-Debug ('Saving preferendces to [{0}]' -f $Path)
        $Preferences | Export-CliXml -Path $Path -Force
function Save-Theme {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        [ValidateSet('color', 'icon')]

        [string]$Path = (Get-ThemeStoragePath)

    process {
        $themePath = Join-Path $Path "$($Theme.Name)_$($Type.ToLower()).xml"
        Write-Debug ('Saving [{0}] theme [{1}] to [{2}]' -f $type, $theme.Name, $themePath)
        $Theme | Export-CliXml -Path $themePath -Force
function Set-Theme {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

        [ValidateSet('Color', 'Icon')]

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
        $script:userThemeData."Current$($Type)Theme" = $null
        $script:prefs."Current$($Type)Theme" = ''
        Save-Preferences $script:prefs
    } else {
        if (-not $script:userThemeData.Themes.$Type.ContainsKey($Name)) {
            Write-Error "$Type theme [$Name] not found."
        } else {
            $script:userThemeData."Current$($Type)Theme" = $Name
            $script:prefs."Current$($Type)Theme" = $Name
            Save-Theme -Theme $userThemeData.Themes.$Type[$Name] -Type $type
            Save-Preferences $script:prefs
function Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme {
        Add a Terminal-Icons color theme for the current user.
        Add a Terminal-Icons color theme for the current user. The theme data
        is stored in the user's profile
        The path to the Terminal-Icons color theme file.
    .PARAMETER LiteralPath
        The literal path to the Terminal-Icons color theme file.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Overwrite the color theme if it already exists in the profile.
        PS> Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme -Path ./my_color_theme.psd1

        Add the color theme contained in ./my_color_theme.psd1.
        PS> Get-ChildItem ./path/to/colorthemes | Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme -Force

        Add all color themes contained in the folder ./path/to/colorthemes and add them,
        overwriting existing ones if needed.

        You can pipe a string that contains a path to 'Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme'.
        'Add-TerminalIconsColorTheme' will not overwrite an existing theme by default.
        Add the -Force switch to overwrite.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '', Justification='Implemented in private function')]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path', SupportsShouldProcess)]
            ParameterSetName  = 'Path',
            Position = 0,

            ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath',
            Position = 0,


    process {
        Add-Theme @PSBoundParameters -Type Color
function Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme {
        Add a Terminal-Icons icon theme for the current user.
        Add a Terminal-Icons icon theme for the current user. The theme data
        is stored in the user's profile
        The path to the Terminal-Icons icon theme file.
    .PARAMETER LiteralPath
        The literal path to the Terminal-Icons icon theme file.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Overwrite the icon theme if it already exists in the profile.
        PS> Add-Terminal-IconsIconTHeme -Path ./my_icon_theme.psd1

        Add the icon theme contained in ./my_icon_theme.psd1.
        PS> Get-ChildItem ./path/to/iconthemes | Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme -Force

        Add all icon themes contained in the folder ./path/to/iconthemes and add them,
        overwriting existing ones if needed.

        You can pipe a string that contains a path to 'Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme'.
        'Add-TerminalIconsIconTheme' will not overwrite an existing theme by default.
        Add the -Force switch to overwrite.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '', Justification='Implemented in private function')]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path', SupportsShouldProcess)]
            ParameterSetName  = 'Path',
            Position = 0,

            ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath',
            Position = 0,


    process {
        Add-Theme @PSBoundParameters -Type Icon
function Format-TerminalIcons {
        Prepend a custom icon (with color) to the provided file or folder object when displayed.
        Take the provided file or folder object and look up the appropriate icon and color to display.
    .PARAMETER FileInfo
        The file or folder to display

        List a directory. Terminal-Icons will be invoked automatically for display.
        Get-Item ./README.md | Format-TerminalIcons

        Get a file object and pass directly to Format-TerminalIcons.

        You can pipe an objects that derive from System.IO.FileSystemInfo (System.IO.DIrectoryInfo and System.IO.FileInfo) to 'Format-TerminalIcons'.

        Outputs a colorized string with an icon prepended.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        $displayInfo = Resolve-Icon $FileInfo
        if ($displayInfo.Icon) {
            "$($displayInfo.Color)$($displayInfo.Icon)  $($FileInfo.Name)$($displayInfo.Target)$($script:colorReset)"
        } else {
function Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme {
        List the available color themes.
        List the available color themes.
        PS> Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme

        Get the list of available color themes.

        An array of hashtables representing available color themes.
function Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs {
        Gets the list of glyphs known to Terminal-Icons.
        Gets a hashtable with the available glyph names and icons. Useful in creating a custom theme.
        PS> Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs

        Gets the table of glyph names and icons.

    # This is also helpful for argument completers needing glyphs -
    # ArgumentCompleterAttribute isn't able to access script variables but it
    # CAN call commands.
    $script:glyphs.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name
function Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme {
        List the available icon themes.
        List the available icon themes.
        PS> Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme

        Get the list of available icon themes.

        An array of hashtables representing available icon themes.
function Get-TerminalIconsTheme {
        Get the currently applied color and icon theme.
        Get the currently applied color and icon theme.
        PS> Get-TerminalIconsTheme

        Get the currently applied Terminal-Icons color and icon theme.

        An object representing the currently applied color and icon theme.

    $iconTheme = if ($script:userThemeData.CurrentIconTheme) {
    } else {

    $colorTheme = if ($script:userThemeData.CurrentColorTheme) {
    } else {

        PSTypeName = 'TerminalIconsTheme'
        Color      = $colorTheme
        Icon       = $iconTheme
function Remove-TerminalIconsTheme {
        Removes a color or icon theme
        Removes a given icon or color theme. In order to be removed, a theme must not be active.
    .PARAMETER IconTheme
        The icon theme to remove.
    .PARAMETER ColorTheme
        The color theme to remove.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Bypass confirmation messages.
        PS> Remove-TerminalIconsTheme -IconTheme MyAwesomeTheme

        Removes the icon theme 'MyAwesomeTheme'
        PS> Remove-TerminalIconsTheme -ColorTheme MyAwesomeTheme

        Removes the color theme 'MyAwesomeTheme'

        The name of the color or icon theme to remove.
        A theme must not be active in order to be removed.
            (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Keys | Sort-Object

            (Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme).Keys | Sort-Object


    $currentTheme     = Get-TerminalIconsTheme
    $themeStoragePath = Get-ThemeStoragePath

    if ($ColorTheme) {
        if ($currentTheme.Color.Name -ne $ColorTheme) {
            $themePath = Join-Path $themeStoragePath "$($ColorTheme)_color.xml"
            if (-not (Test-Path $themePath)) {
                Write-Error "Could not find theme file [$themePath]"
            } else {
                if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ColorTheme, 'Remove color theme')) {
                    if ($userThemeData.Themes.Color.ContainsKey($ColorTheme)) {
                    } else {
                        # We shouldn't be here
                        Write-Error "Color theme [$ColorTheme] is not registered."
                    Remove-Item $themePath -Force
        } else {
            Write-Error ("Color theme [{0}] is active. Please select another theme before removing this it." -f $ColorTheme)

    if ($IconTheme) {
        if ($currentTheme.Icon.Name -ne $IconTheme) {
            $themePath = Join-Path $themeStoragePath "$($IconTheme)_icon.xml"
            if (-not (Test-Path $themePath)) {
                Write-Error "Could not find theme file [$themePath]"
            } else {
                if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ColorTheme, 'Remove icon theme')) {
                    if ($userThemeData.Themes.Icon.ContainsKey($IconTheme)) {
                    } else {
                        # We shouldn't be here
                        Write-Error "Icon theme [$IconTheme] is not registered."
                    Remove-Item $themePath -Force
        } else {
            Write-Error ("Icon theme [{0}] is active. Please select another theme before removing this it." -f $IconTheme)
function Set-TerminalIconsIcon {
        Set a specific icon in the current Terminal-Icons icon theme or allows
        swapping one glyph for another.
        Set the Terminal-Icons icon for a specific file/directory or glyph to a
        named glyph.

        Also allows all uses of a specific glyph to be replaced with a different
    .PARAMETER Directory
        The well-known directory name to match for the icon.
    .PARAMETER FileName
        The well-known file name to match for the icon.
    .PARAMETER FileExtension
        The file extension to match for the icon.
    .PARAMETER NewGlyph
        The name of the new glyph to use when swapping.
    .PARAMETER Glyph
        The name of the glyph to use; or, when swapping glyphs, the name of the
        glyph you want to change.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Bypass confirmation messages.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsIcon -FileName "README.md" -Glyph "nf-fa-file_text"

        Set README.md files to display a text file icon.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsIcon -FileExtension ".xml" -Glyph "nf-mdi-file_xml"

        Set XML files to display an XML file icon.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsIcon -Directory ".github" -Glyph "nf-mdi-github_face"

        Set directories named ".github" to display an Octocat face icon.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsIcon -Glyph "nf-mdi-xml" -NewGlyph "nf-mdi-file_xml"

        Changes all uses of the "nf-mdi-xml" double-wide glyph to be the "nf-mdi-file_xml"
        single-width XML file glyph.

        The command does not accept pipeline input.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = "ArgumentCompleter parameters don't all get used.")]
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = "FileExtension")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Directory", Mandatory)]
        [ArgumentCompleter( {
                param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
                (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Values.Types.Directories.WellKnown.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FileName", Mandatory)]
        [ArgumentCompleter( {
                param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
                (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Values.Types.Files.WellKnown.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FileExtension", Mandatory)]
        [ArgumentCompleter( {
                param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
                (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Values.Types.Files.Keys | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith(".") -and $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SwapGlyph", Mandatory)]
        [ArgumentCompleter( {
                param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
                (Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs).Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "*$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object

        [ArgumentCompleter( {
                param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
                (Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs).Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "*$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object


    If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Directory") {
        If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Directory = $Glyph", 'Set well-known directory icon')) {
            (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Values.Types.Directories.WellKnown[$Directory] = $Glyph
    ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FileName") {
        If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$FileName = $Glyph", 'Set well-known file name icon')) {
            (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Values.Types.Files.WellKnown[$FileName] = $Glyph
    ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FileExtension") {
        If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$FileExtension = $Glyph", 'Set file extension icon')) {
            (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Values.Types.Files[$FileExtension] = $Glyph
    ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SwapGlyph") {
        If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Glyph to $NewGlyph", 'Swap glyph usage')) {
            # Directories
            $toModify = (Get-TerminalIconsTheme).Icon.Types.Directories.WellKnown
            $keys = $toModify.Keys | Where-Object { $toModify[$_] -eq $Glyph }
            $keys | ForEach-Object { $toModify[$_] = $NewGlyph }

            # Files
            $toModify = (Get-TerminalIconsTheme).Icon.Types.Files.WellKnown
            $keys = $toModify.Keys | Where-Object { $toModify[$_] -eq $Glyph }
            $keys | ForEach-Object { $toModify[$_] = $NewGlyph }

            # Extensions
            $toModify = (Get-TerminalIconsTheme).Icon.Types.Files
            $keys = $toModify.Keys | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith(".") -and $toModify[$_] -eq $Glyph }
            $keys | ForEach-Object { $toModify[$_] = $NewGlyph }
function Set-TerminalIconsTheme {
        Set the Terminal-Icons color or icon theme
        Set the Terminal-Icons color or icon theme to the given name.
    .PARAMETER ColorTheme
        The name of a registered color theme to use.
    .PARAMETER IconTheme
        The name of a registered icon theme to use.
    .PARAMETER DisableColorTheme
        Disables custom colors and uses default terminal color.
    .PARAMETER DisableIconTheme
        Disables custom icons and shows only shows the directory or file name.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Bypass confirmation messages.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsTheme -ColorTheme devblackops

        Set the color theme to 'devblackops'.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsTheme -IconTheme devblackops

        Set the icon theme to 'devblackops'.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsTheme -DisableIconTheme

        Disable Terminal-Icons custom icons and only show custom colors.
        PS> Set-TerminalIconsTheme -DisableColorTheme

        Disable Terminal-Icons custom colors and only show custom icons.

        The name of the color or icon theme to use.
        This function supercedes Set-TerminalIconsColorTheme and Set-TerminalIconsIconTheme. They have been deprecated.
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'theme')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'theme')]
            (Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme).Keys | Sort-Object

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'theme')]
            (Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme).Keys | Sort-Object

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'notheme')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'notheme')]


    if ($DisableIconTheme.IsPresent) {
        Set-Theme -Name $null -Type Icon

    if ($DisableColorTheme.IsPresent) {
        Set-Theme -Name $null -Type Color

    if ($ColorTheme) {
        if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ColorTheme, 'Set color theme')) {
            Set-Theme -Name $ColorTheme -Type Color

    if ($IconTheme) {
        if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($IconTheme, 'Set icon theme')) {
            Set-Theme -Name $IconTheme -Type Icon

function Show-TerminalIconsTheme {
        List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes.
        List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes.
        The directory/file objects show are in memory only, they are not written to the filesystem.
    .PARAMETER ColorTheme
        The color theme to use for examples
    .PARAMETER IconTheme
        The icon theme to use for examples

        List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes.
        Example directory and file objects only exist in memory. They are not written to the filesystem.

    $theme = Get-TerminalIconsTheme

    # Use the default theme if the icon theme has been disabled
    if ($theme.Icon) {
        $themeName = $theme.Icon.Name
    } else {
        $themeName = $script:defaultTheme

    $directories = @(
    $wellKnownFiles = @(

    $extensions = $script:userThemeData.Themes.Icon[$themeName].Types.Files.Keys.Where({$_ -ne 'WellKnown'}).ForEach({

    $directories + $wellKnownFiles + $extensions | Sort-Object | Format-TerminalIcons
# Dot source public/private functions
# $public  = @(Get-ChildItem -Path ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'Public/*.ps1'))  -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop)
# $private = @(Get-ChildItem -Path ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'Private/*.ps1')) -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop)
# @($public + $private).ForEach({
#     try {
#         . $_.FullName
#     } catch {
#         throw $_
#         $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError("Unable to dot source [$($import.FullName)]")
#     }
# })

$moduleRoot    = $PSScriptRoot
$glyphs        = . $moduleRoot/Data/glyphs.ps1
$escape        = [char]27
$colorReset    = "${escape}[0m"
$defaultTheme  = 'devblackops'
$userThemePath = Get-ThemeStoragePath
$userThemeData = @{
    CurrentIconTheme  = $null
    CurrentColorTheme = $null
    Themes = @{
        Color = @{}
        Icon  = @{}

# Import builtin icon/color themes and convert colors to escape sequences
$colorSequences = @{}
$iconThemes     = Import-IconTheme
$colorThemes    = Import-ColorTheme
    $colorSequences[$_.Name] = ConvertTo-ColorSequence -ColorData $_.Value

# Load or create default prefs
$prefs = Import-Preferences

# Set current theme
$userThemeData.CurrentIconTheme  = $prefs.CurrentIconTheme
$userThemeData.CurrentColorTheme = $prefs.CurrentColorTheme

# Load user icon and color themes
# We're ignoring the old 'theme.xml' from Terimal-Icons v0.3.1 and earlier
(Get-ChildItem $userThemePath -Filter '*_icon.xml').ForEach({
    $userIconTheme = Import-CliXml -Path $_.FullName
    $userThemeData.Themes.Icon[$userIconTheme.Name] = $userIconTheme
(Get-ChildItem $userThemePath -Filter '*_color.xml').ForEach({
    $userColorTheme = Import-CliXml -Path $_.FullName
    $userThemeData.Themes.Color[$userColorTheme.Name] = $userColorTheme
    $colorSequences[$userColorTheme.Name] = ConvertTo-ColorSequence -ColorData $userThemeData.Themes.Color[$userColorTheme.Name]

# Update the builtin themes
    $userThemeData.Themes.Color[$_.Name] = $_.Value
    $userThemeData.Themes.Icon[$_.Name] = $_.Value

# Save all themes to theme path
    $colorThemePath = Join-Path $userThemePath "$($_.Name)_color.xml"
    $_.Value | Export-Clixml -Path $colorThemePath -Force
    $iconThemePath = Join-Path $userThemePath "$($_.Name)_icon.xml"
    $_.Value | Export-Clixml -Path $iconThemePath -Force

Save-Preferences -Preferences $prefs

# Export-ModuleMember -Function $public.Basename

Update-FormatData -Prepend ([IO.Path]::Combine($moduleRoot, 'Terminal-Icons.format.ps1xml'))


To verify the files using the project source:

1. Please go to the project source location (https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons) and download the source files;
2. Build the source to create the binary files to verify;
3. Use Get-FileHash -Path <FILE TO VERIFY> to get the file hash value from both the built file (from step 1 above) and the file from the package and compare them;

Alternatively you can download the module from the PowerShell Gallery ...

    Save-Module -Name posh-with -Path <PATH TO DOWNLOAD TO>

... and compare the files from the package against those in the installed module. Again use Get-FileHash -Path <FILE TO VERIFY> to retrieve those hash values.

Log in or click on link to see number of positives.

In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).

Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.

Add to Builder Version Downloads Last Updated Status
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.10.0 2293 Thursday, July 7, 2022 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.9.0 1262 Friday, January 28, 2022 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.8.0 461 Thursday, December 16, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.7.1 325 Tuesday, November 23, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.7.0 292 Thursday, November 11, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.6.0 172 Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.5.2 698 Saturday, June 19, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.5.1 360 Friday, May 21, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.5.0 348 Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.4.0 175 Sunday, April 18, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.3.1 129 Saturday, April 10, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.3.0 84 Friday, April 9, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.2.2 474 Monday, January 11, 2021 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.2.1 392 Monday, November 30, 2020 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.2.0 169 Monday, November 16, 2020 Approved
Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) 0.1.1 942 Sunday, June 16, 2019 Approved

Discussion for the Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) Package

Ground Rules:

  • This discussion is only about Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) and the Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module) package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
  • This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
  • The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
  • Tell us what you love about the package or Terminal-Icons (PowerShell Module), or tell us what needs improvement.
  • Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
  • If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.
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