Docker- A Container Full of Chocolatey
Docker has revolutionized how we think about Software deployment. Microsoft has adopted this technology to Windows to have the same approach for native Windows tools and applications. This talk gives you an overview of Docker and how you can create isolated environments for development and deployment. See how Chocolatey fits into the world of Windows Containers and how it helps to containerize your existing tools and apps in simple steps.
Key takeaways:
- You will hear the basic concepts why Containers help you to have predictable development and runtime environments.
- You will learn how Chocolatey helps you get started building your own Windows containers.
Stefan Scherer - Sr. Software Engineer, SEAL Systems AG Stefan is a Sr. Software Engineer at SEAL Systems. He enjoys automating things and uses Chocolatey and Docker at work in various development and test environments. He is an early adopter of Docker on Windows, giving feedback and sharing his experience as a Microsoft MVP and Docker Captain. He is a maintainer of several Docker related Chocolatey packages. He also is member of the Hypriot team that gives the community a very easy experience for Docker on ARM devices.